All posts by HowardLevineSU

What is up with LeBron?

SU caught much of the Cavs – Celtics game last night.  As mentioned before, SU is firmly behind the Cavaliers in the playoffs given their New York Knicks’ lineage with Shumpert, JR Smith and Mosgov on the roster.  Plus, they play a high octane offensive style and everyone on that team can shoot.  Last night, I was surprised by how much LeBron James complains after every foul call.  Now, I am not saying that he doesn’t have a legitimate beef with the call but when he is driving to the hoop and gets hit with no call, as play moves back down the other way, he is always left standing under his basket jawing with the refs and not getting back on defense.  This happens a lot.  Plus, it then becomes acceptable for other Cleveland players to do the same thing.  Kevin Love does it too although at least he runs back down while flailing his arms.

LeBron initiates a lot of contact on his drives to the basket just like James Harden and certainly gets his share of calls.  But he needs to get over it and hustle back down the court to play defense.  He is a true superstar and this just looks bad.  It also sets a bad example to younger players watching.  Let the coach deal with the refs.  By the way, last night the refs let the Celtics basically maul Mosgov and Love on every rebound.  I don’t ever recall seeing that many jump balls on rebounds like that.  In the playoffs, the NBA refs call the games totally differently depending on where it’s played.  Been that way for years.

SU is ready for the Subway Series.  This is the first time in years that both teams are competitive and it should be a fun weekend.  SU predicts the Mets will take 2 out of 3 at a minimum and could actually sweep.  However, when you have won that many games in a row, the baseball gods start to take note and some bloop hit or call doesn’t go your way to stop the streak.  If Matt Harvey is in fact starting on Saturday, SU is calling for the no hitter.  Let the games begin.

Battle of First Place Teams This Weekend?

Don’t look now but if the Yankees win today with Tanaka pitching in Detroit, both the Yankees and Mets will be in first place for the Subway Series.  Who wouldda thunk it?  The Mets’ streak is alive despite the injuries and they are getting late, timely hitting and solid relief pitching.  They are also lining up DeGrom, Harvey and Niese this weekend.  It’s only April, but the Mets have a chance for the sweep here.  SU is not sold on the Yankees’ recent offensive surge in Detroit although it appears Beltran is coming out of his funk finally.  A-Rod has cooled as expected.  Time will tell if he is doing a Vernon Wells this year and will disappear the rest of the season or if he has some staying power.  He is clearly up there guessing on pitches and the League is making the adjustment by giving him a steady diet of slow stuff.  SU Alert: Harvey could be unhittable on Saturday.

Rajon Rondo apparently banished by Dallas for the remainder of the playoffs although the party line is bad back.  Buyer beware as he is a free agent.  Phil Jackson won’t bring him to NY to make Melo happy – will he?  Although, that would be entertaining as dysfunctional players like Rondo are always even better in a major market city.  As Portland implodes, you wonder if LaMarcus Aldridge would consider NY as a destination?  He commands a double team on offense and would likely benefit someone like Melo.

Rafa Nadal just lost in the 2nd round in Barcelona on clay to Fabio Fognini.  Wow, how the mighty have fallen.  As players enter their declining years, SU believes they lose their nerve a bit on big points.  This happened to Federer for a couple of years although he has done better of late.  When they are younger, they are invincible.  As they age, nerves come into play more.

Injuries and Motivational Techniques

The Mets are riding high with their current win streak but you have to figure the rash of recent injuries is going to take their toll.  It’s actually good news for the Yankees who play an early season Subway Series with the Mets this weekend at the Stadium.  So much of baseball is when you play another team.  The Yankees swept the Rays over the weekend but Tampa Bay has about 11 regulars on the DL.  It was like playing a minor league team.  Now they are playing the big boys on the road in Detroit and in the cold.  Carlos Beltran’s swing appears to be about 25 mph slower if the temperature is below 50 degrees.  Last year, he was hurt and he gutted it out all year.  This year he is supposedly healthy but he is really struggling.

SU got a kick out of Joba Chamberlain’s celebration in the 8th inning after getting Ellsbury to hit a rocket to the 2nd baseman for an inning ending DP.  The ball was smoked.  Joba also looks about 40 pounds heavier than when he was with the Yankees.  Good to have him gone from NY.  These next 6 games will be very telling for the Yankees.  They avoid Shane Greene in Detroit but see Matt Harvey this weekend.  SU says could be a no hitter alert that day.

Anthony Davis on the Pelicans is the real deal.  He is everywhere on defense and has really stepped up his offensive game.  SU says over the next 3-5 years, he will be in the top 3 players in the league if not at the top.  He is worth staying up late to take a peek.

Finally, what is with the Portland Trailblazers and their laminated sign in the locker-room that said “We don’t lose to Spanish players?”  It’s one thing for someone to scribble it on the white board; it’s another to have the team make up the sign which means the coaches and management were probably aware of it.  Bad message at any level.  Imagine if they were playing a team with Jeremy Lin on it – what would that sign say?  SU note to Portland: the NBA is now an international league and some of the best players come from other countries.  You may not want to offend the global fan base and where do you draw the line?

Will the Yankees Acknowledge A-Rod Passing Willie Mays in Homeruns?

If you have been watching the Yankee telecasts, there is barely any mention of A-Rod being only a couple of homeruns behind Willie Mays.  That is because the Yankees are refusing to pay him $6 million as they previously agreed to for important homerun milestones.  Their position is that given his PED usage and suspension, they no longer have the opportunity to market him when he reaches these numbers.

So, what happens if A-Rod does this on the next homestand?  Do they even post the milestone on the centerfield Jumbotron?  And if they continue to contest the $6 million, will that put A-Rod into a funk that shows in his performance?  Do you risk having your only legitimate hitter lose concentration and the good vibe he has this season?

SU says pay him the $6 million and call it a day.  It’s a rounding on his ridiculous contract that the team gave him.  The Yankees need A-Rod to be happy and focused.  Move on and worry about your other players hitting above the Mendoza Line.

It’s A-Rod’s World

SU has been in A-Rod’s corner right from the start of spring training and you have to give him credit for what he has accomplished so far this season.  He has done and said all the right things.  Last night, his first homerun goes 471 feet and the next one is a 400-foot bullet down the line.  To top it off, he gets a 2-out single to drive in the winning run.  He is locked in.  Will it last?  Of course not.  Especially when he is hitting in front of Stephen Drew (now that is how you protect your best hitter!).  SU advice to Joe Girardi: put him in at clean-up and build the rest of your line up around him.  Truth be told, you could pull the names out of a hat – they are all basically hitting below .200 with no power.  SU will remain interested for the next few weeks until the Yankees fall off the radar which given their starters going 5 innings a game is going to be soon.  Last night, the rest of the line up had 2 hits including Stephen Drew’s 3rd homer of the year to go along with his .165 average.  It is beyond boring and if A-Rod goes down with an injury, there is no reason to watch until Cashman goes the Knick route and tanks the season.  We are a few weeks away from that.

Mets streak reaches 6 against a struggling Miami team.  39,000 fans on a Friday night in Queens.  The Mets faithful are feeling it — this is a good story.

For the 12 people that watch the Tennis Channel along with SU, Djokovic beat Nadal in straight sets in the semi-finals of Monte Carlo today.  It’s time to include Djokovic in the conversation of best of all time.  Clearly, Federer and Nadal are at a higher level career-wise but since 2011, Novack is right there.  To be the #1 ranked player 3 of the last 4 years in this era of incredibly high quality play is impressive.  When all is said and done, his record will speak for itself.

Finally, Jordan Speith gives SU a reason to check in on the PGA TOUR today to see if he can follow up his Masters’ title with another win.  He is in contention after shooting a 62 yesterday.  SU likes that he played a tournament the following week – be the man.  Hey, you’re 21 – do you really need to rest?

It’s Playoff Time

Many will want SU to comment on the NY Rangers’ chances of winning the Stanley Cup this year.  I did check out the game last night as my hockey viewing is limited for the most part to this time of year.  I also did some research and there is room on the Rangers’ bandwagon so I am all set.  Close, low scoring affair last night but the Rangers held home ice for game 1.  For those in the SU intergalactic subscriber base, feel free to comment on their chances this year as they come in with the best record in the regular season.

SU is ready for the NBA playoffs.  While I had been previously high on the Spurs’ chances to repeat, losing that final game dropped them from the #2 seed to #6 and a first round series with the Clippers.  SU has a funny feeling about the Clippers this year – might be their last year to play together with this current roster.  SU says they will beat the Spurs in this round but Golden State has been the gold standard all season with only 2 home losses.  They are finals bound out West.  In the East, SU would love to see a real team make the finals like the Hawks but I think we have not seen Cleveland play its best ball of the year as of yet.  Plus, SU is rooting for JR, Shump and Mosgov on the Cavs and their high octane style of play.  But a Cavs-Hawks Eastern Conference finals would be a lot of fun.  Warriors over the Cavs in the finals.

Mets’ win streak is at 5.  They are doing what SU said was necessary in April and getting off to the hot start.  It’s a young team with a no name offense.  I am dividing my viewing time between the Yankees and Mets more than usual as when the Yankees are up, I am only interested in watching A-Rod at the plate.  Actually, watching the Yankees this year is like watching them play on Jackie Robinson Day every game where all the numbers are 42.  They all look the same — boring.

Finally, interesting comments from Melo yesterday.  I am sure the NBA beat writers will go over his words like Talmudic scholars.  He sort of likes the triangle offense, he would be willing to be the #2 option on offense (er, righteyo on that one) and this is a big off season for Phil Jackson.  Let SU translate for you: management has one more year to show improvement with the roster before he wants out and demands a trade.  Remember this date next year: SU has spoken.

A Study in Contrasts

SU is struck by some contrasts this morning as I survey the sports world:

  • First: Mets vs. Yankees.  Citifield was rocking last night with 4 HBPs and Matt Harvey on the mound.  Close to 40,000 fans as the Mets hung on for a win although it was costly with Wright pulling his hamstring and Cuddyer getting hit by a pitch.  But the bigger picture is that the fans were jacked and there was a buzz in the stadium.  SU watched an inning of the Yankee game in Baltimore on a cold, rainy night.  There were about 12 people in the stands and while the game was close, CC Sabathia gave up 4 runs in 7 innings and that was considered a successful outing.    SU used to think Brian Cashman wouldn’t stand to field a roster like this but after the last 2 seasons, that ain’t the case.  This is his new type of team: fewer superstars; more balanced – mediocre at every position equals balance; and gradually cheaper in payroll.  Bottom line: Mets on the rise and Yankees in decline and quickly heading towards irrelevance.
  • Next: Knicks vs. Pacers.  Frank Vogel of the Pacers has kept his team in the race for a playoff spot all year.  He lost his best player (George) to a freakish injury in the summer and some free agents skipped town.  But his team competed all year and if they can summon one more win, will grab the 8th seed.  Props to him.  The Knicks actually had a much better roster for most of the year but totally tanked and just packed it in (until the last couple of games when they inexplicably felt the need to win and likely blow their chances for the #1 draft pick).
  • For those of you keeping track of ex-Yankee players, Shane Greene, who was dealt in the Didi Gregorius trade, is now 2-0 with the Tigers and is sporting an ERA of 0.00.  But hey, it’s easy to pick up young, cheap starting pitchers right?

Monday Thoughts

SU took in some golf and the Yankees over the weekend.  Key observations:

  • Listening to Harold Reynolds do the color for an MLB game is like being stuck next to someone at an arena or stadium who just does not shut up.  Joe Morgan hated the Yankees but he didn’t talk all the time.  Reynolds doesn’t necessarily hate them but feels it’s necessary to fill in the quiet time with lots and lots of comments.  And Curt Schilling is right behind him.  Fox and ESPN should offer an option to listen to crowd noise and no announcers.  SU would pay extra for that.
  • Do not be fooled by the Yankees’ offensive explosion last night.  SU saw enough of Friday night’s game to know the truth: this is the same team that you had last year offensively except for the addition of A-Rod.  And quite frankly, he is the only guy in the line-up that you hold off getting something from the fridge to see hit.  Every team will have a good hitting game once a week or so.  SU will be interested to see how they do on the road in Baltimore, Tampa and Detroit.  This will be a telling week.
  • Something is wrong with Tanaka.  His velocity is down and he is not nearly as dominant.  SU says have the surgery and get ready for next year.  And while they are at it, just bring up the young guys from AAA ball and let them get some experience.  It’s time to follow the Knicks’ model and go all in for being bad this year.  Young guys are interesting; Stephen Drew is not.  SU will give Didi Gregorius the benefit of the doubt that he can actually field.  He is a young guy and appears overwhelmed by playing in NY.  By the way, it’s interesting to see the same media experts who heaped praise on Cashman for his off season moves now dumping on him.
  • The Mets come home 3-3 after playing tough against their divisional rivals on the road.  They aren’t hitting (yet) but their pitching is generally keeping them in most games.  The City is theirs for the taking.  If they can go on a run in April, they will win the back page of the tabloids and Yankees fans (like SU) will take notice.
  • SU caught a fair amount of the last round of the Masters yesterday.  It’s amazing how everyone jumps on the next great thing.  He may be the real deal but as we all know, the media love to build these guys up but they enjoy tearing them down even more.  Once he starts dating some hot model and his game falls off, that will be the true test.  I am sure his parents will keep him away from Tiger Woods.
  • NBA playoffs on the horizon.  SU’s fearless predictions to follow later in the week.

Thoughts for the Day

SU just realized that Tiger Woods and Alex Rodriguez are both 39 years old.  If you think about it, their careers have had similar arcs.  Both reached the top of their sports and put up numbers that may never be matched again.  Both came crashing down for different reasons – although you could say that both A-Rod and Tiger were caught “cheating” (ha ha).  And now, each is looking to come back to some level of competitiveness at 39.

As a professional golfer, Tiger Woods has more high quality years to look forward to potentially while A-Rod is on his last legs as a baseball player.  However, SU was encouraged by A-Rod’s homerun to left center field last night and he also scorched a line drive just foul in the 1st inning.  If he can stay healthy, he is not done yet.  Woods has had his share of injuries and swing coaches of late and you wonder if he will ever be healthy enough to make another sustained run.  Some on the SU list say he will never win another major – that may be true.

Anyway, just thought it was an interesting parallel.  Feel free to weigh in with your own thoughts.  You might enjoy the dialogue with others here.

Matt Harvey is Cruising…

Matt Harvey is averaging 96 mph on his fastball through 4 innings with 6 K’s as the Mets are up 4-0 over Strasburg and the Nationals.  The changing of the guard in New York is beginning.  SU is paying attention.  I will be interested to see how CC Sabathia does in his debut tonight.  Luckily, the wind will be blowing in.