Your New York Knicks!

It has taken SU many, many years to get back on the Knicks’ bandwagon. I left once Isiah Thomas took over and briefly returned during the Linsanity era (I think that was 3 weeks) but the Melo dynasty was too much to take (jab step, jab step, jab step and everyone else stand around).

But this version is very appealing to watch. The Knicks play hard every night – on both offense and defense. They have a likeable group of players although Julius Randle is borderline for SU. And when Randle is out resting, they push the ball and let their athleticism take over. Josh Hart has been a huge addition – that guy hustles, plays tough defense and looks to push the ball at every opportunity. For SU, there is nothing worse than a team that walks the ball up the court and barely crosses mid-court in 8 seconds. What is the point of that? Today’s NBA with all of the rules on defense and how teams play is built for a high tempo offense. Just watch the Warriors and the Kings – they get it.

Next up for the Knicks is Miami. Somehow, Milwaukee once again choked away a big 4th quarter lead last night and the Heat advance. The Knicks have home court advantage for this series and MSG is a difference maker this year. Very intimidating to the opposition. Hopefully, Randle’s latest ankle injury is not as severe and he can return. They are already down Grimes in the starting lineup and do lack some depth. Clearly, the need is to find a way to contain Jimmy Butler and make others beat you. This should be a fun series.

Management needs to sign Josh Hart to a contract in the off season.

SU is back on the Knicks’ bandwagon. Just please keep Isiah Thomas away from Mr. Dolan.

One thought on “Your New York Knicks!”

  1. Fun to root for Knicks again. It feels like the mid 90’s. Josh Hart is our Charles Oakley. Go New York Go New York Go!

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