Are the Mets and Yankees as Good as Their Records Say They Are?

OK, it’s still only April, but when you check the MLB standings this morning, you find that the Yankees and Mets have the best records in their respective Leagues. One assessment is to say, “it’s early but hey, better than the alternative.” Another is to say, “hell yes, these are the top 2 teams in baseball!”

SU says the answer is found in who they have played so far. For the Yankees, other than a couple of series at home against the Red Sox and the Blue Jays, they have played the worst teams in the AL. Beating up on Baltimore, Detroit and Cleveland is what good teams are supposed to do, and truth be told, the offense is finally coming alive. The pitching has been consistently solid and the offense is showing signs of life the last week or so beating up on the Guardians and the O’s. SU says good progress but we really need to see how they perform against the better teams. But much more entertaining the last week. The answer is TBD.

Now, the Mets, aside from getting hit by pitches almost every game, are a legitimate top tier team in the NL. Their line up is balanced and they put the ball in play. They played the SF Giants tough last week which was a great sign, and got the better of the Cardinals. The Mets are contenders this year. They need their star pitchers to be around in September but they are the better team in NY.

Have you noticed how much trouble pitchers have had lately controlling pitches? A combination of dry weather, cold temperatures and even wind seems to make it hard to grip the ball for breaking pitches. SU read an article that pitchers are highly critical of MLB for not finding a solution to the gripping issue now that Spider Tac has been outlawed. The hitters are nervous as the pitchers don’t know where the ball is going. SU says you should not need a rocket scientist to figure this out. Talk to the pitchers and figure out a solution (for a suitable solution to rub on your hands). Get it done.

The Nets are history. Thank goodness. Kyrie has already said that he will be working with ownership and the GM to rework the roster. Really? That is what you want? He’s a great player but toxic. Like last off-season, the Nets will have to find veteran players who want to take less money to play with Durant. Not sure they want to play with Kyrie. The problem is that these guys can’t stay healthy and that is why they are available.

There will be some really good 2nd round NBA playoff series. Bucks and Celtics is likely the best one. But a Golden State – Memphis series would be must see TV.

SU dozed off for most of the NFL draft but seemed to be a lot of trading action after the first 10 picks. Early signs that both the Jets and Giants did well but SU would like to hear from the experts on that front. It’s interesting to see how the NFL embraces Las Vegas now when just a few years ago, that was not a destination due to sports betting concerns. Different day now and Vegas is a hub. It’s probably just a matter of time before there are MLB and NBA teams there as well.

Finally, SU does not like the Wimbledon ban on Russian and Belarussian players. I get it that a Russian team in the Olympics or some other world championship, e.g., World Cup, should not be allowed to compete. But banning individual players in tennis or golf is not right. I would not be surprised to see that decision reversed before the tournament.

Should Yankee Games be Broadcast on Tape Delay?

SU has seen enough of the Yankees this season. They are really not suitable for prime time, real-time viewing. Think of the bad habits that youngsters are learning by watching these games? Hitting into the shift, ignoring the shifts, having no game plan when hitting with runners in scoring position, playing as if you don’t care, not signing $210 million contracts. It’s a long list. SU says broadcast the games starting at 11 pm and cut out the parts that are unwatchable. This will result in a 27-minute game.

SU “watched” the 4-hour affair last night. Between NBA playoff viewing and dozing off frequently, this is not a Major League product. Boone would be better off just fielding 9 relievers every game at each position. Those are their best players but it’s just a matter of time before they burn out having to pitch 6+ innings every game. Cole got through 5 outs last night with around 70 pitches and 5 walks. SU knows it’s cold in Detroit but hey, he used to pitch in Pittsburgh and this is baseball which schedules too many games in cold weather cities in April. Joey Gallo was 0 for 4 with 4 strikeouts. Truth be told, he has hit a few balls hard this year with no luck but he is hitting into the shift. Judge is pressing – as predicted by not signing the big contract – and Hicks is now the best hitter in the lineup (enough said there).

The Mets are the best team in NY and just swept a very good Giants’ ‘team. And they are doing this without deGrom. They have hitters that put the ball in play. This is the year that NY fans point to when the Mets became the team to watch. Similar to the mid-1980s in New York.

Did you see how far the Orioles pushed back left field? I think it’s 398 feet now in the left-field power alley. Huge change and that park will play a lot bigger now. Someone let Gary Sanchez know before the Twins make an appearance there.

SU has been following Novak Djokovic’s play this year. He lost in the first round in Monte Carlo and tired badly in the 3rd set. He is now in Serbia playing in a tournament that he hosts and was seen screaming at his coach in practice. He is going to pay the price in 2022 for his dumb anti-vax stance. He wants to peak for the French Open but if he can’t win any matches and build up his stamina, well, that is not going to happen. This is what he will be remembered for when his career is done. Pretty amazing.

Check out Jordan Poole on the Golden State Warriors as he is becoming a star in his 3rd season. SU is on the record for saying he made a mistake to go pro after his sophomore year at Michigan but he was smart to watch and watch and watch Steph Curry and learn what he does. He has the same basic game and teams are hard-pressed to cover Curry, Klay Thompson and Poole when they are in together. Very entertaining to watch – constant movement, cutting to the basket, making the extra pass. Not your typical jab step offense — but we won’t go there.

Show the Shifts on TV

SU only caught the end of last night’s Yankee game but I make the following observation. Michael Kay will often reference the nature of the shift but they rarely show how the fielders are positioned on TV. It’s interesting to see exactly what the hitter sees when he steps to the plate.

Case in point. In the 9th inning, Anthony Rizzo is up with one out and the Yankees down 2 runs. In this instance, they did show the shift. 4 outfielders, one infielder on the left side of the infield near 2nd base and the 2nd baseman playing softball style in short right field. So, what’s the objective if you are Rizzo? Um, get on base right? So, he bunted down the 3rd base line – perfect. Ball skipped past 3rd base into foul territory. Heady play to bring the tying run to the plate with Judge on deck.

When you go to a game in person, you see the shifts on every play. It is striking how much of the field the defense leaves open. And it is equally striking how most hitters – and I put that in the 99% category – ignore the shifts. SU knows it’s hard to hit a 98 mph fastball exactly where you want it but the opportunity is staring you in the face. It is very frustrating to watch the Yankee “sluggers” hit into the shift over and over again. Smart money says that if you go the other way, teams will alter their defensive strategy. I guess there isn’t much smart money in baseball these days.

The broadcasts should show the defense alignment more often. It really is interesting and amazingly frustrating for fans to observe how hitters attack it.

A lot of talk today about John Sterling’s inaccurate home run call with Stanton up and the team down 2 runs last night in the 8th inning. He went into his “It is high, it is far, it is GONE” call and naturally, the ball was caught on the warning track. Long-time Yankee fans are used to this. If you are ever listening in the car, you learn to wait – and listen to the crowd – as he can’t be trusted. SU actually doesn’t care anymore. He is 80-something years old and unlistenable. It’s better to follow on on the phone and avoid the radiocast. And it’s nothing to do with age – this has been an issue for a long, long time.

Is Gerrit Cole still an ace? Or without Spider-tac, is he just another hard thrower? SU says it’s still just April and you have to give him some time to round into form. He’s a smart dude and will figure it out.

Should Kershaw been allowed to finish his perfect game yesterday? Temperatures in the mid-30s and only 80 pitchers through 7 innings. SU says it was the right decision to pull him. Even with Gary Sanchez probably coming up again which makes the job easier. This is a guy with a history of arm problems, and you can’t risk the whole season in early April with his track record. Sure, a perfect game is a big deal but we all remember Santana on the Mets who blew out his arm completing a no hitter. The Dodgers’ manager made the right call there.

It Is Still Just Early April

As a veteran observer of the sports industry, SU knows that you need to let the baseball season unfold over a period of weeks. It is never a good idea to over-react to the early season games, and this is especially true for 2022 with the late spring training start and how pitchers are being coddled for their first few starts.

However, in Yankee Land, it’s never too early to panic and complain, so let’s get to that:

  1. The team is even more unathletic than the 2021 version. I mean, who in that lineup can even steal a base? Or go from 1st to 3rd on a single? They are so slow.
  2. SU does not understand what the attraction is with Aaron Hicks. Now, he’s a good guy, good presence in the clubhouse but he is a .230 hitter for his career, and he certainly has not cut down on his swing for 2022. The likelihood is that he will pull some muscle soon enough and go on the IL but he cannot be the answer long-term in centerfield.
  3. Which brings us to predicting the over/under for when Cashman signs Brett Gardner to play the outfield. You know it’s coming. SU says May 15th.
  4. SU worries about Aaron Judge. He passed on a very fair offer from the Yankees for $30.5 million a year for 7 years. He is 30, and rarely plays close to a full season. He will be 37 at the end of that contract offer (we did the math and checked it 3 times). That is a very good offer. He is now risking injury this season or a very down year which could hurt his long-term value for that next contract. If he gets off to a slow start, the pressure will build on him. Judge is a good guy (aside from the vaccine issue) but he is going to put a lot of pressure on himself to perform this season. Something to watch.
  5. Bullpen looks good which it had better be given that the starters are going 3 innings. It sounds like Severino will be on an innings limit this year. German is still recuperating and will be a factor.
  6. Bottom line: SU is not excited. This is the same team as last year basically, and while I have only watched a couple of games so far, I find myself moving over to Netflix or Apple TV for an hour (which equates to 2 innings). I need to see more.

Meanwhile, the better NY team, the Mets, could be undefeated at this point if their bullpen had not imploded in back-to-back games. They have the higher payroll in NY and a more interesting team. SU sees them as having a better season. The Mets are legitimate division contenders while the Yankees will once again compete for the wild card.

SU is strapping in for the NBA playoffs. I know it’s stretched out over too many weeks but always a lot of fun. We need the Nets and Sixers to either both lose early or face off against one another. Any team with Harden or Kyrie is impossible to root for for SU. Keep an eye on Golden State where if Curry can come back healthy, they have the pedigree to make a run in a tough conference. The Suns are dominant and the heavy favorite but the West has some quality teams.

OK, am I right about the Yankees? Any reason to get excited? Sure, they came back multiple times vs the Red Sox, but Boston is not even as good as Toronto.