It’s Why You Play the Game

Not many people were giving Michigan much of a chance this week vs. Ohio State as the Buckeyes had the #1 offense in the country. SU would have been happy with a respectable performance to be honest. Jim Harbaugh has not done well vs. the top 10 teams in his tenure at Michigan but you have to give him credit this year. He brought in a team of young assistant coaches and he has loosened the reins. The team plays with more enthusiasm than in past years and the seniors have provided great leadership. Even after losing a heartbreaker to Michigan State late, the team held together and were dominant yesterday.

Ohio State still threw for close to 400 yards as they have 3 NFL caliber wide receivers but Michigan beat them down with the running game from the start. Harbaugh also opened the playbook a bit more with some gadget type plays although they still run the 3rd and 1 hurry up to the line of scrimmage running play which has a season success rate of .05%. Michigan had a lot of recruits at the game and that can only help looking ahead to next year. Go Blue.

The college football championship is now wide open with blue bloods like Ohio State, Clemson and Oklahoma out of the picture, and Alabama looking very vulnerable. after eking out a win late vs. Auburn. SU says it’s good for the sport and the upsets are always fun as well. Georgia has a crazy good defense this year – only gave up 8 offensive touchdowns all season which is nuts.

The Mets have been busy with some good free agent signings. SU likes the way that they struck quickly – even without a manager in place. As expected, Steve Cohen is not afraid to spend his money and he needs to show some wins with free agent signings to entice others to join the fold. The Yankees have been quiet but that won’t last. SU is interested in seeing if they decide to over spend on a shortstop or take the smarter route and fill in other needs – such as speed and on base percentage. Still waiting to be impressed.

3 thoughts on “It’s Why You Play the Game”

  1. Congratulations I’m happy for the team and the alumni. I’m not a big fan of Harbaugh in his mind Mich has never committed a foul in 4 years. He is always complaining to the refs on every call.
    But Happy for Ben

  2. Excited to see new commenters! SU would be in Indy but new variant is an issue. Barry, agree about Harbaugh – he is a complainer and not sure how effective that is with refs who likely tune him out at some point.

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