What Do We Think of the Yankees’ Trade?

SU has been trying to monitor the Yankees’ trade for Joey Gallo since it was first being reported last night. At one point, it sounded like it was Clint Frazier plus 8 other prospects for Gallo and some random pitcher on the Rangers. This morning, it seems like it’s down to 4 minor leaguers and NOT Frazier. Medical physicals are still pending before the deal is finalized.

As we know, SU has been on record that Cashman should break down this roster and retool. Well, this is the opposite of that. SU is very disappointed that Frazier was not included in the deal and you have to believe that Cashman wanted to move him. Could it be that Frazier’s value has dropped so far (he is also having vision issues) that no one wants him? That seems likely. None of the 4 prospects are considered to be top tier, although all 4 seem to be having great years on their respective minor league teams. As Yankee fans know, their prospects are always over-hyped so you have to assume they will never have made it to the majors for the Yankees.

So, that brings us to Joey Gallo. SU says this guy is a left-handed version of every hitter on the team. Hits in the low .200s, swings for the home run all the time and strikes out all the time. So, the thinking is rather than have Judge, Stanton, Sanchez in a row striking out right-handed all the time, you can lengthen your line-up and stick in a left-handed batter who can also strike out all the time. That gives you 4 guys now and you know Boone will be chomping at the bit to bat them consecutively.

Is this baseball today? Is that the winning formula? Anyone who has watched the Yankee games of late, sees a team hitting .162 with RISP for about the last 15 games and still winning. In fact, if the bullpen was a little better, they would be on a great streak here. The games are mind-numbingly boring to watch, and SU has observed that the announcers – be it Michael Kay, O’Neill and Cone or John Sterling (totally unlistenable now as he calls the games from the monitor) no longer even comment on their failure with RISP. Rather, it’s expected and the outlier event is a hit. Stanton gets the biggest pass. The dude is either red hot or ice cold. That’s what $30 million a year gets you.

SU goes back to this: what is the goal here? Qualify for the 2nd wild card spot and lose early in the playoffs and be embarrassed again by the Red Sox? And you will have a deep playoff run because your bullpen is lockdown solid? Not following this.

Judge was held out of the game yesterday at the start and that was intriguing. Would they actually trade their best player? He got a big hit in the 10th inning that was a half inch from being a crippling doubleplay grounder. Instead he is the hero and good for him. SU would not trade Judge.

Bottom line: there is one more day to make trades but unless Gallo goes on some type of crazy hot streak for 2 months, this feels like a version of Aaron Hicks in the outfield and he needs to be traded as well. Btw, where are the Mets? The 1st place Mets. Keep your eye out today as Sandy Alderson is usually very good with upgrades at this time of the year.

SU has spoken. As always, interested in what others have to say.

3 thoughts on “What Do We Think of the Yankees’ Trade?”

  1. In the post game show, without going into a lot of detail, they said that Judge was late getting to the ballpark because some appointment related to his COVID clearance ran overtime. Jack Curry pointed out that Gallo either strikes out, walks or homers in 60% of his plate appearances- must see TV.

  2. Mr. SU:
    How quickly you forget that OUR team won 100+ games the past 2 years. We are currently tied for the wild card spot. Is that such a bad thing? maybe for our ego since we always believe this team should be always in the top spot. Yes, the red sox have embarrassed us mot of this season. But this is the regular season and not the playoffs. It is July….OK…late July. Back in 1978 it wasn’t until mid August when our team made their move and erased a 14.5 game lead by these Red Sox. Of course that might be the ultimate of embarrassment during the regular season. I will put say that losing to the Sox when we were up 3 games to none in the playoffs when Johnny Damon stuck it to us with that Grand Slam. Hey… that’s what makes this rivalry special. Yeah… I miss some of the fights but we are supposedly a civilized nation. Just ask the Capitol Police…..yikes.
    Your point on striking out alot is well taken. This same high strikeout team was so, so close in making it to the World Series when the cheaters from Houston won it all.
    Yes, we need to be more consistent. For the most part our pitching staff has done just that. Take away the Sox and we definitely have been one of the top pitching staffs.
    In sports underdogs or top dogs can do the unexpected. Maybe it a good thing for us not to be the top dog at least up until now. Are we disappointed that we aren’t at least 20 games above 500? Sure…. but we have 2 full months to go. Going down to Tampa who has also been very tough on us and win is encouraging. We are coming home tomorrow and I’m betting on us winning 6 out of 7 games in the Bronx. I look forward to your SU report a week from tomorrow. Who knows?

    PS A change of scenery often has very good results. Let’s see what Joey does…. assuming he passes the medical results.

  3. As for going deep into the post-season, none of the publicized trade options was going to make a difference for the Yanks other than the possibility of a Scherzer-Cole-Kluber starting combo (plus Stanton again waking up in October). WS have been won on the backs of 3 strong starters (even 2 when starters used to go 9 innings). But this was never going to happen, so I really haven’t been interested, other than to wonder what Charlie Blackmon looks like under all the hair.

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