Turn the page, Turn the Chapter, Turn the…

Aaron Boone is famous for saying that his team can easily turn the page on a bad game, a bad series. After last night’s debacle, it’s time to turn the page on the season for this team. Face the facts: this is a .500 team. Certainly no better than that. They have no strength – not starting pitching, not the bullpen (overworked and now Chapman is a head case) and of course, not the offense.

SU, per usual, dozed off during last night’s Yankee game, and then woke up for the last couple of innings after midnight. Should have gone to bed then. Chapman could not throw a strike. His only strikes were foul balls by the Angels’ hitters who swung at balls out of the strike zone. You could feel the home run coming as he laid a lazy slider over the plate. The Yankees scored 7 runs in the first inning and even had hits with RISP. After that inning, they went 0 for 9 with RISP and hit into 4 double plays. We have seen this all before.

Back in the 1980s, this is the kind of blown save that Dave Righetti was famous for. Just when the team started winning, he would blow a game in excruciating fashion. Chapman, who was amazing for a month and a half, is lost and his velocity is also down. Spider Tac? Hard to know.

The Yankees will have to play close to .700 the 2nd half of the season to just make a wild card. Ain’t going to happen. SU is ready to move on and be a seller in July. No point in salvaging this group in my opinion.

Agree? Disagree?

2 thoughts on “Turn the page, Turn the Chapter, Turn the…”

  1. Hal Steinbrenner will be speaking to the media this morning- you may get your answer then.

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