Paging Mike Tauchman

Just read that Aaron Hicks has a “torn tendon sheath in his left wrist.” Aaron Boone says that they will try and treat it with medicine but surgery is a possibility. Er, maybe trading Tauchman was not the smart move? Do you really want to play Brett Gardner and Clint Frazier every day now? They are going to have to roll the Generational One out there in the outfield once in a while. Why not in Baltimore? Left field is a small piece of ground to cover. Just avoid crashing into the wall.

The reality for the Yankees is that even though they are winning now, they cannot hit and score runs. Not much margin for error. Clint Frazier is approaching a negative batting average and Gardner looks like he should have retired last year. Tauchman would have been just the ticket now. Btw, he is starting for the Giants, batting lead-off and plays every day.

And so it goes.

3 thoughts on “Paging Mike Tauchman”

  1. In the interests of full disclosure, Tauchman is batting .226 for the Giants. Agree though that they need another outfielder. How about bringing up Florial, or have the top prospect Dominguez skip all the minors and get thrown into the fire right away?

  2. Details, details. But a high on base percentage and at .226, he equals the batting averages of Frazier and Ford combined (well almost). Florial just got moved to AAA but I agree, can we get some youth up here already? Love to watch the youngsters and this is a no pressure situation as you only need to hit .140 to stick.

  3. When the league average is 236, 226 is not so bad. The Yankees are deeply flawed but at least they are finding a way to win. Both Yanks and Mets over 500 and on pretty good rolls despite injuries and underwhelming performance. So let’s look on the bright side and hope we can pack the house when the teams meet 4th of July weekend.


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