Let’s Go Mets!

The MLB owners have just approved the sale of the Mets to Steve Cohen. It’s the start of a new era for the Mets with deep pockets and an owner who is a lifelong fan. This is great for NY sports and it should put the Mets on the map in a big way for the start of the free agent signings this off-season.

Met fans have to be excited. Yankee fans, maybe not so much. No doubt the Yankees will be happy to send over Giancarlo Stanton or even Gary Sanchez. Just make an offer – it doesn’t cost you anything.

Of course, the key is to spend wisely and mix in the occasional star with a strong pipeline of prospects.

Any downside to this?

So you want to be a manager…

Last night, the game was all on the line for Kevin Cash of the Rays. The moment of truth. His starter was lights out but he had gone through the line up twice. It’s the bottom of the 6th inning and do you let him face any hitter a 3rd time? Especially when that first hitter was Mookie Betts? Snell had struck out the first 3 hitters each twice. Low pitch count. But the Rays follow the analytics religiously and despite what he was seeing on the field, Cash went to his relievers – and a guy who had given up a run in something like 7 outings in a row. Clearly gassed. For old-time Yankee fans, this guy was the new George Frazier from the 1981 World Series. Lost something like 3 games that series.

On Twitter, the traditionalists were outraged. “Keep him in! What are you doing!?!” But the analytics followers totally got it. “This is how the Rays were managed all year long and it got them to game 6 of the World Series.” SU is more in the camp that you see what the hitters are doing and make your decisions that way. Snell is a former Cy Young winner. But I get it. The other issue is that the opposition is seeing your relievers every game and they start to figure things out. Plus the relievers are pitching so many days in a row and lose their sharpness.

It was a good series. SU did not watch a whole lot – just too many strikeouts, pitching changes and lack of actual action. It’s a week before the Election and this is not at the top of my mind right now. But a few thoughts for you:

  1. The Commissioner is thinking about outlawing shifts. SU says that is wrong. The shifts actually are interesting. It’s up to the hitters and the GMs to adjust and find players who can hit to all fields, run and create. Why reward the hitters who blindly hit into the shifts like idiots? SU says make the batters adjust and let’s make teams abandon the shift for the right reason. But I suspect MLB will do what the NBA used to do with zone defenses and will start to require that 2 infielders are on each side for every at bat. We will see on that one.
  2. So many strike outs. So many guys throwing 95 mph+. So much standing around. Sure, you get the occasional home run but that’s not enough. Thank goodness for Twitter in between pitches and anything else to distract.
  3. There is talk now that GMs will load up on relievers – and cheap relievers at that – to keep their payrolls down. No more $30 million a year contracts for starters. Especially in a COVID world with probably minimal numbers of fans in 2021 and much lower revenue.
  4. Gary Sanchez is playing winter ball for the first time in years. Hmm, I wonder why?
  5. Congrats to MLB for pulling this off in the bubble. Turner tested positive and was removed from the game last night but that was it. Question: if the Rays had won last night, how many days would it have taken for a game 7 to be played? SU says probably several. That would have been interesting.

Well, that’s it now except for football and some golf and tennis for the sports viewer. SU has been accumulating its Netflix/Amazon list (the new Borat movie is getting high marks) and the political front will be front and center for me for at least one more week plus how ever many days it takes for the President to try and get to the Supreme Court which will be a whole lot bigger deal than game 6 of the World Series.

But that’s not why you are here. A few Netflix/Amazon suggestions that have come through the pipeline:

  1. The Boys (Amazon)
  2. New Borat movie
  3. Black Money Love (Turkish) – 165 episodes
  4. Intersection (Turkish)
  5. Hinterland (Welsh)
  6. Falling Into You (Korean)
  7. Occupied (Norway)

SU is still holding out hope for college hoops to begin but who knows?

Time to Update the Netflix Viewing list

We all see the handwriting on the wall. The NBA season is done and we have a week or so left of baseball. The NBA and NHL seasons won’t be starting any time soon for the 2020-2021 season. There is still the NFL on the weekends and the Big Ten football season kicks off Saturday but these are weekend selections.

SU is a fan of college hoops and that should be starting in November with the early season tournaments. But the grim reality is that regular, weeknight sports viewing is going to come to a screeching halt very soon and we have to prepare. SU still has the election coverage for another 2 weeks (hoping that will be sufficient) but we all see the void on the horizon. Please pass along any new Netflix/Amazon viewing favorites in the Comments section to help us get through the darker, colder weeknights ahead.

SU did check out game 7 last night between the Braves and the Dodgers. Now, I can’t say that I was awake for the entire game but I did wake up for the 9th inning. I think the reality is, as long-time subscriber P. Bok said, that the Braves are a year away and this season was gravy. They remind me of the 2017 Yankees that lost to Houston in 7 games and the future was bright for that young team. Well, the Yankees are 3 years older and the future is not so bright now. The Braves need to go all out for 2021. They are a young, athletic team with a lot of players who can run, field and hit to all fields. They also have a manageable payroll for the time being.

Dodgers – Rays could be an interesting World Series. SU will tune in here and there but once the Yankees are eliminated, I don’t have the staying power for late night baseball. MLB can be happy that the 2 best teams in each respective League will face off this week. And with the extra playoff round this season, this was no gimme. Both teams are deserving.

Well, we actually have 1 win in NY for the two NFL Clubs. Thank goodness that Washington went for the win there in the closing seconds and the 2-point conversion. SU says that there was no way that the Giants were going to score again and playing for overtime would have been the better course there. The Texans also gambled yesterday with a 2-point conversion that statistically was not going to help much. Not a good move either. Such is the life of NFL coaches.

College football could have an exciting couple of months coming up I think. Assuming the players and coaches can stay healthy, of course.

SU is open to hearing about other entertainment options from the intergalactic subscriber base. The floor is open.

Let’s respond to those comments

SU wants to make sure that the full intergalactic subscriber base is aware of the comments. Always good to have dialogue in a civil manner – or not. Good comments from Saturday’s SU post. Let’s get to it.

From P. Bok: “… it is no longer baseball the way the game was meant to be played. I cannot remember the last time I saw a bunt.” SU agrees. Home runs and strike outs are a snoozefest. Especially when the time between pitches seems to be longer than ever.

From the Real Jeff:2021 starts a new era in NYC baseball.” The Stephen Cohen era is about to begin for the Mets. SU says how about this: you can have Giancarlo Stanton and the Yankees will throw in some extra cash to cover his salary? The Yankees need to move either Stanton or Voit to unclog the roster. Check out a good read by Joel Sherman from the New York Post courtesy of long-time subscriber, B. Levine:


From A. Grossman: “If we won 3-2 on a 2 run homer in the 9th your Report would look a lot different.” SU actually disagrees on this point. Long-time Yankee fans have watched these games for many years now. It was physically impossible for the Yankees to score again in game 5. It was just never going to happen. Everyone was going up trying to hit a home run. SU says: Been there, done that.

From J. Levine: “As SU has pointed out before, Yankees were killed this year by the absence of left-handed bats, with Didi leaving and Tauchman regressing to the point where he was firmly anchored to the bench- have to improve in that regard next year.” Exactly! The total right-handed line up is a failure. SU says bring back Didi. Gleyber Torres is not a shortstop. Check out the Joel Sherman article. But no way do I trade Gleyber. Stanton is the problem – bigly.

From Mark L: “I COULD NOT BELIEVE that Stanton keep the bat on his shoulder for the entire at bat in the 9th inning. ” Yes!! How do you not swing even once there? SU knows that he carried them offensively for the first 5 games of the post-season but you have to go down swinging like Voit vs. watching that off speed pitch.

A few other thoughts today:

  1. The two NFL teams in NY are 0-10. SU says that once they get to 0-12, the NFL should no longer broadcast the NY teams this season. Let us see better games from around the country. It’s not healthy for the local sports fans in a pandemic.
  2. SU knows that not everyone appreciates the greatness of LeBron but in the finals, he was unstoppable. Very few players can drive the ball to the rim over and over again like that and also make the perfect pass when needed. If there was no Michael Jordan, he would be GOAT. Just a great talent. SU enjoyed the playoffs and the successes of Duncan Robinson. He needs to be smart now and stay with the Heat vs. getting more money elsewhere. He will never have such a great system to play in.
  3. Props to Rafa Nadal for his 13th French Open championship. I thought Djokovic might have a shot in the cooler weather but Nadal was as dominant as ever. The ATP Tour now returns to the hardcourts for the remainder of the season and others will have their moment over the next 6 weeks.

another disappointing end to the season

SU must admit that as a Yankee fan, processing the end of the season in the playoffs has become easier as it’s basically the same thing over and over again. True, the 2020 season only required a 60-game investment and the players actually only played hard in about 40 of those games so there is that. Here are SU’s initial comments:

  1. Jared Diamond, the Baseball writer for the Wall St. Journal, has looked at the analytics and discovered that “regular season strikeout rate” is the best predictor of post-season success. So, let’s think about that. Teams with the lowest strike out rate do the best in the post-season to the tune of a 63% winning percentage. Not home runs but strikeout rate. Brian Cashman – are you paying attention?
  2. Aaron Boone just over manages in the playoffs. Why pinch hit Mike Ford in the 8th inning for Higgy? You need his defense behind the plate and truth be told, he could actually hit a single. SU was predicting that the game would end on a Gary Sanchez passed ball but we did not get to that point. And why not let Chapman just start innings?
  3. This series was lost in game 2 with the JA Happ silliness. That was a winnable game and a chance to grab hold of the series. Again, over-managing trying to be too cute.
  4. The home run off of Chapman last night on a 100 mph fastball represented the fastest pitch for a home run in the entire 2020 season. Stated another way, very few batters can do that. SU says that Chapman is most effective up in the zone. A shoulder high fastball will not be hit. But he wasn’t able to get any of those pitches up there in that at bat and he paid the price. Chapman is the new Paul Quantrill of the Yankees in the playoffs. The pitcher most likely to end the game in a loss.
  5. Home plate umpiring continues to be annoying. It’s especially highlighted in a close, low scoring game when hits are at a premium. But…. you cannot blame this loss on that. Stanton comes up in the 9th inning and does not swing. Takes strike 3. Now, 2 of the pitches to him were borderline but SU is sure that he has been coached to not take the close pitch with 2 strikes. At least go down swinging.
  6. SU is old and I am one of those diehard fans who grew up with the game. I do not enjoy games with 99 mph fastballs and a ton of strikeouts. Just not fun to watch. There is no action. Thank goodness for Twitter to pass the time during the game.
  7. The Yankee hitters need to learn to bunt for base hits in the off season in order to get teams to stop shifting. Cashman has too many untradeable contracts so it would be harder to move hitters like Hicks and Stanton. Hicks, when he bats left-handed, only pulls the ball and there is no place to hit it. Also, everyone must hit to the opposite field in 2021. That absolutely has to be the goal. And if you don’t do it, you don’t play.

Bottom line: it’s 2020 and this is one, screwed up year for so many things. We have a lot more at stake in the next 3+ weeks than whether the Yankees advance to the ALCS. But baseball is a nice distraction.

SU will root for the Rays to beat the hated Astros in the next round. They are a blue collar, together, feisty team and a great story. And they were the better team in this series for a fraction of the money that the Yankees spend.

SU is interested in your comments. Was 2020 good enough for you? Is SU on target? Use this blog to get those frustrations out. You will feel better.

Well, that was a surprise

Let’s be real. The Yankee victory last night in an elimination game in the post-2001 era was a bit of a surprise. This is the game that they would typically lose unless CC Sabathia happened to be pitching. For SU, I am conditioned for a Phil Hughes type of outing: 4 innings, 4 runs, 4 walks, etc. Fall behind early and lots of mindless at bats and strikeouts.

Jordan Montgomery came up huge. Of course, Boone could not wait to get him out of the game for his relievers and he had guys on base every inning but he showed poise, avoided the home run ball and had a catcher who could block the ball in the dirt. What a concept. Green was good but had to warm up several times so he is likely not available tonight which would be his 3rd game in a row. Britton was very sharp and should have finished the 8th inning instead of bringing in Champan there. SU says think about that move: if Chapman struggles to get the 3rd out in the 8th and has to throw a lot of pitches, you have no-one to back him up in the 9th inning and he could have ended up throwing a lot of pitches which messes him up for tonight’s game. Britton was pretty much unhittable and had not thrown many pitches.

The bottom line is that Boone is an “over-manager.” He cannot help himself and just does not have good instincts for the in-game moves.

Cole goes on 3 days rest tonight and the Rays are putting out their own 100-mph pitcher, Glasnow, on 2 days rest. Interesting. For the hitters, the 7 pm start time means the first hour will be in the shadows. They say guys pitching on short rest generally have their velocity but lack “command.” That means sometimes they may not be throwing the ball where they intended it to go. SU can’t imagine that hitters will be dug in there at the plate.

The key for the Yankees is to have Cole go 6+ innings to get to Britton and Chapman. Garcia could be available for an inning or maybe even Happ just to fully torture Yankee fans and allow Twitter to explode.

It would be nice to see Aaron Judge hit a ball hard. He has been lost but as we know in baseball, sometimes it’s one swing that gets you untracked (unless you are Gary Sanchez).

MLB cannot be happy to see the cheating Astros advance to the ALCS for the 4th year in a row. They have avoided the boos t his year due to COVID. The Dodgers are a machine although the Braves look great as long-time SU subscriber, P. Bok, commented yesterday. That should be a good series for best of 7.

A Yankees – Astros rematch would be fun. But winning tonight will be a tall order. Cole is a stud but the Rays have seen him multiple times this year and have hit several home runs off of him. SU is hopeful but not confident. But glad to have a game 5 on a Friday night.

SU will predict a Yankee win: 5-4 with a torturous 9th inning by Chapman.

Yankee Shortcomings on full display

SU has done the math. They have played the Rays 13 times this year including the playoffs and they are 3 and 10. So tell me: who is the better team? Is the fact that they are down to an elimination game with their 5th starter ready to go tonight a surprise? SU says no – you are what your record says you are and after an uneven regular season, here we are. Observations from last night:

  1. When Stanton hit yet another home run, SU was a bit surprised by all the laughing and joking in the Yankee dugout between the players. The score then was 8-4 in the 8th inning. I mean, are we playing to enjoy the Generational One’s success or are we trying to win the series? Where is the determination and fight? Not a good look to the loyal fan base who likely feel that they care more than the players.
  2. If the Yankees lose the series, game 2 will be the focus and the decision on how to use JA Happ. Apparently, Happ had voiced his objection to Boone before hand.
  3. Tanaka is a free agent. After 2 bad post season appearances, is this the end of his Yankee career? He was bad last night.
  4. As SU pointed out a while back, the Yankee bullpen is not a strength this year. There should be no rush to take out the starters as the relievers are not consistent. Green got roughed up last night once again. They will need to ride Jordan Montgomery tonight for as long as possible OR go to Garcia early. But Boone does not have the pitchers to mix and match his way through the game.
  5. What to do with Gary Sanchez? SU says he will be back in there tonight. And of course, there will be RISP in every one of his at bats.

SU is not feeling it. The Rays team is together, they have fun and their line up puts the ball in play. SU noted that the Yankee hitters are showing a lot of outward frustration in their failed at bats. Gardner is guessing up there and seems to need to get a head start on his swing at his age now. Other than Stanton and I guess Hicks (hard to even say that), who do you trust now to get a big hit? Luke Voit is struggling big time and as we know in a short series, there are few at bats to turn it around.

The loss of Paxton is huge but the Rays have a ton of pitchers on the IL also. Bottom line: as a Yankee fan, we have seen this scenario so many times since 2001. Down in the series and all of the flaws exposed. The injuries have been an issue but with a $250 million payroll, you cannot use that as an excuse. They have to feel that they have the advantage if they can get to a game 5 with Cole going. The Rays will go with an opener tonight. Buckle up for another 4-hour slog.

Is SU wrong? Are we on the verge of seeing 2 dramatic wins for the Bombers? Or another night of frustration, an early deficit and guys hitting into the shift? Inquiring minds want to know.

CB Bucknor makes the case for electronic umpiring

CB Bucknor has a long track record of being a terrible home plate umpire – for many, many years. He is inconsistent and players and managers have complained year after year covering different generations. SU asks: why put him behind the plate for a playoff game in 2020? The answer is probably seniority as I believe that is how umpires are assigned to these games. I mean, even Angel Hernandez is working the playoffs and he is equally bad.

If you watched last night’s Yankee game, there were so many calls where the pitch fell outside of the TBS box on the screen. Now, SU says that the box is hard to see to begin with, and after a while, I could not tell if the “red” circle meant the pitch was in the box or the yellow one was as Bucknor missed so many calls. Of course, the announcers declined to discuss it in any detail. But let’s be clear: that is NOT the reason that the Yankees struck out 18 times in this game. It was the Rays’ pitchers who seem to all throw in the upper 90s. Bucknor made those at bats more difficult but the Yankee hitters are fully capable of flailing on their own.

SU says the bigger story was Aaron Boone and not allowing Garcia to pitch beyond 1 inning. He brings in Happ to start the 2nd inning instead of starting the game, and lost what was probably his best long relief option in Garcia after 1 inning. That led to having to bring in Loaisiga in the middle innings and he allowed 2 key runs in combination with Ottavino who is painful to watch this year. As SU has said frequently, Boone is not a good in-game manager and this move really back-fired. This means that game 4 will have Montgomery starting or an opener – neither is ideal against the Rays. The Yankee bullpen is not set up this year for an opener scenario. The better move was to let Garcia go as long as he could last night. Happ was clearly not happy in his post-game comments but did admit that his lousy outing was on him – as we all know it is.

The Generational One is on fire. SU must admit that he is, by far, their best offensive player now and the Rays will start to pitch around him. The problem is that both Judge and Voit are cold. Judge, in particular, looks out of synch. Sanchez should not start tonight – but SU is pretty sure he will be in there with Tanaka on the mound.

SU continues to be puzzled by the reliance on the all-right handed line-up. Only Hicks is in there. Gardner has been benched and the only conclusion is that he can no longer get around on a 95+ mph fastball. Frazier can hit those – but only occasionally.

Tonight is the key game. We are in a 2 out of 3 game series and Tanaka really needs to be economical with his pitches tonight. Boone has to let him face the line up for the 3rd time through. His bullpen is not good enough to justify taking him out.

It is an interesting series. The Rays are feisty, younger and put the ball in play. The Yankees are all about home runs and strikeouts. The good news is that there is a 7 pm start tonight and SU can avoid dozing off for 15 minutes in the middle innings.

Thoughts on Bucknor? Boone? Electronic umpiring?

Yankees Strike first

The Yankees continued their recent offensive onslaught last night and all of a sudden, their line-up is starting to look circular. A few observations:

  1. Stanton: he has homered in 3 straight playoff games and actually last night’s and the one before were hit in meaningful situations. SU says he is clearly thriving without fans in the stands to boo him. He does seem more relaxed. Naturally, he is due for a pulled calf muscle now as he is not used to running to first base so much. But the roster is deep and he can be replaced easily.
  2. Bullpen: face it, this is not the strength of your team. Chapman needs a minimum 3-run cushion in 2020 to notch a save. Green is not a lock down pitcher and Boone just won’t use Ottavino in any stressful situation. Not a winning formula and Boone needs to find 1-2 others he trusts and fast.
  3. Boone: man, he is not a good in-game manager. SU is concerned – especially with no off days this series. If he pulls Garcia and Tanaka after 5 innings, they will not have enough pitchers to finish the game.
  4. Bad Blood: in the 9th inning, after the Stanton grand slam which face it, we were all shocked by, Urshula took a huge swing and miss on the next pitch. The pitch after that knocked him down. Gleyber got knocked down next on a pitch. The Yankees retaliated in a measured way by having Gleyber steal 2nd base after he singled with a 6-run lead. That was a better move than throwing at one of their hitters in the bottom of the 9th inning and giving the Rays a spark heading into game 2. But this is something to watch tonight.
  5. Time delay: As referenced by long-time subscriber, J. Levine, if you follow the games on mlb.com in their Game Day feature, there is about a 5-second delay between what’s happening on the field and when you see it on TV. SU tried it for an inning but it made me jumpy. But you can impress your friend with texts about what happens if you watch and follow this way.

This series is just getting started. No doubt Boone will pitch Cole for game 5 on 3 days rest. Garcia starting tonight is a risky move and SU likes him a lot. But he is a real youngster and if he gets rocked early, I guess you bring in Montgomery quickly. Glasnow for the Rays throws hard and has a good record vs. the Yankees. Let the fun begin.

Yankees vs. Rays: Let the Hatred Begin

SU hung in there last night until 1:20 am to watch the end of the Yankees – Indians game along with several other members of the SU intergalactic subscriber base.  This game was not one for the time capsule although since it was an elimination game for Cleveland, there was a lot of drama.  A few points:

  • Joe Torre was always great in the post-season figuring out how to get the remaining outs from his bullpen.  Aaron Boone?  Not so much as in “what are you doing?”  Once he brought in Chad Green in the 5th inning and then Britten in the 6th, well, even 3rd graders could see that this formula was not going to work.   SU is available to script the next game for Boone if called upon as I am experienced preparing 3rd and 4th grade girls rec basketball substitutions for a full game.  What was he thinking last night?  Ultimately, Loaisiga got the key batters and came up short.  SU says you have to pitch Ottavino – especially with Kahnle out for the year.  Note for the next series: do better.
  • Boone also made some curious decisions late in the game with pinch runners and pinch hitters.  He pulled Voit in the 7th for Wade as a pinch runner but then didn’t have Wade try and steal.  Of course, that spot came up in a huge spot in the 8th inning and he then put up Frazier to pinch hit vs. a tough righty instead of Mike Ford or just leaving Wade in to hit.    Boone is a great communicator (apparently) but his in-game moves are lacking.  Paging Don Zimmer.
  • A-Rod predicted what was going to happen several times last night.  The Sanchez passed ball in the 9th inning on a slider from Chapman on strike 3 to end the game was classic.  Of course, all Yankee fans were way ahead of him.  I must also give A-Rod props in the top of the 9th when he said Sanchez had a good shot to hit a sac fly to tie the game.  Really?  I am sure the stats said around the horn double play or strikeout there but OK, he was right.
  • Sanchez did have a wind-blown home run to right field and another short fly to right which showed SU that he might, finally, be trying to hit to the opposite field.
  • Aaron Hicks, SU’s prediction for the big series, is just terrible hitting left-handed.  3rd in the line up?  Er, no.  Move him down as far as you can.

Bottom line: the Yankees escaped game 2 despite themselves and now face the Rays in San Diego.  Keys to that series:

  • Assuming the games are prime time as MLB will want to feature this series, they will start around 4 or 5 pm PST in the twilight with shadows all over.  That means a lot of strikeouts.  Good for Cole in game 1 but also good for the Rays in every game with their hard throwers.  This will be a key issue.  Not good for the Yankees.
  • These teams truly hate each other.  Good for MLB and the fans.  No more big hugs at first base and yukking it up.
  • The Yankee bullpen is terrifying.  No longer a strength.  Either pitch Ottavino or take him off the roster.
  • Stanton will not see another fastball until April of next year.  Buster Olney said that scouts were texting him last night wondering why the Indian pitchers kept throwing him fastballs as he clearly cannot hit a curve.
  • The winner of this series will win the World Series.  Sorry Dodger fans.

Feel free to share your thoughts today.  SU has spoken.