The Imperious One Weighs In

Uh oh, looks like there are cracks in the foundation.  Actually, SU thought Mike Francesa had retired — twice.  Apparently, he is still broadcasting from the basement.  Big Mike has been a long-time, loyal Trump supporter going way back.  But he is not happy at all this week.  See below:

At a time where there is really very little to talk about sports-wise (did you see that The Athletic ran a story yesterday about which NY Knick player all-time would win a one-on-one tournament against other all-time Knick players?), SU just wanted to pass this along.  Definitely not looking to start a political conversation here as it’s not why you come here.  But SU did find this to be of interest during these tumultuous times.

On a brighter note, SU finished Ozark last night capping off a terrific season 3.  If you haven’t been checking the comments, there were some great suggestions yesterday from the intergalactic subscriber base for what to watch and SU has made a note of them.  Worth a look as we may all be here for a while…

And, btw, I think Earl Monroe wins any 1-on-1 all-time Knick tournament.  No one better and more fun to watch than the Pearl.

Should MLB Experiment with Rules Changes in 2020?

Interesting quote here from Bob Costas on what MLB might consider for the 2020 season when it resumes: “Given the uniqueness of the situation, even fans who prize the continuity of the game, would understand that this is a … once in forever situation. … Now’s the time to put (ideas) on the table and experiment with some portion of them.”

SU thinks this is a great idea.  While baseball has so much history and more than any sport cherishes its statistics, this season will always have an asterisk associated with it and why not see what works and resonates with the fans?  SU says a few ideas come to mind:

  • Shortened games – 7 innings.  And if it goes into extra innings, roll out what they are doing in the minor leagues by putting a runner on 2nd base to start the inning.
  • Doubleheaders: if you go with 7 innings, why not?  You can even make them day/night DHs.  The fans may even like that as the crowds will be smaller as you know people will be skittish to return so soon packed into seats in 95-degree weather sticking to the dude sitting next to you.
  • Pitch clock and the batter cannot step out of the box.  Get the OCD players to tighten those batting gloves one time only.
  • Use technology to call pitches.  Surely, MLB can leverage something from the Astros – let them put their intelligence to good use.
  • Keep in the new relief pitcher minimum number of batters (3).
  • Make pitching changes from the dugout.  Do we really need to see the manager saunter out to the mound killing time?
  • No visits to the mound by the pitching coach – or by the catcher.

SU agrees with Bob Costas.  This could be a fun season.  It’s not even about winning and losing.  It’s about entertainment at this point.

Netflix/Amazon Update:

  • SU finished 3 seasons of Babylon Berlin.  First 2 seasons were better but interesting series.
  • Season 3 of Ozark has been outstanding so far.
  • The Invisible Guest recommended by long-time subscriber, T. Polak, was very good.  Spanish with sub-titles.  Movie.
  • As mentioned before, BroadChurch was very good.  First 2 seasons out of 3 were better but highly recommend.
  • And finally, Homeland has been very good this season.  Oh, and just started watching The Plot Against America and enjoying so far.

OK, thoughts on whether baseball should use 2020 to experiment?  Or is it business as usual with the shortened season?

All Quiet on the Western Front

SU felt it was time for a post even though other than NFL free agency, there is not a whole lot going on in the sports world.  The summer Olympics will now take place in 2021, MLB is likely a late May start at the earliest and the NBA is looking at June for a resumption of its season.  Being a New York resident, I do take some solace in knowing that President Cuomo has a handle on what’s going on here.  Thank goodness as the evening updates are must (not) TV.  A few tips to get you through these dark times:

  • Season 3 of Ozark is coming out on Friday.  Good times.
  • SU just finished season 3 of Babyon Berlin.  Seasons 1 and 2 were much better but I had to get through season 3 all the same.
  • There is nothing better than a 1-hour replay of a Michigan basketball game on the Big Ten Network.  John Beilein was such a great coach.  Too bad the NBA was not ready for him.  He will land a top college job in the next couple of months.
  • The YES Network is just not getting it.  It’s fine to re-broadcast a game from 2019 but seriously, do we need to watch all 4 hours of it?  Why not speed it up?  Just show the innings with the scoring?  Same for SNY.  Start broadcasting the 2019 games on the same day this year.  Do the 90-minute version.  SU is all in.
  • Aaron Judge had a collapsed lung.  Of course he did.  And Aaron Boone says if the season started tomorrow, he “thinks” that Giancarlo Stanton would be ready.  No doubt he is working out with Jacoby Elsbury down in Florida standing 6-fee apart.
  • SU continues to not understand how the PGA TOUR is not moving forward.  It is the one major pro sport that can play its events without fans in attendance.  If nothing else, the pace of golf is a good time suck.
  • Once things start to return to normal (and it won’t be on Easter), SU is definitely wondering if fans are going to return in droves?  Hard to see this year’s US Open packed in there with people sticking to one another.  The one hope is that if some experts are right, high temperatures and high humidity might make things a whole lot better.  But you have to feel that for the rest of 2020, in-person events’ attendance is going to be down.

SU does not have the patience to read the all-time greatest players’ lists by sport.  Just can’t do it.  I once again encourage the intergalactic subscriber base to weigh in here with its Netflix/Amazon recommendations.  Or if you have some sports relevant opinion to offer up, we are all ears.  Sports Illustrated did have the Yankees winning the World Series although I believe that was pre-Severino Tommy John surgery as they said JA Happ would not be in the rotation.

The floor is open for your comments.

Life Without the Sports Section

SU must come clean: I no longer even check the Sports Section in the New York Times.  For you Millennials, that is part of a newspaper.  I am also no longer reading  No games, no need.  Although I did just see that the French Open has been canceled and will be played in September.  I assume not at the same time as the US Open!

I have been giving some thought to what sports we can play outside once the weather turns warmer in April.  My thinking:

  • Tennis: as long as you don’t have a 2-handed backhand, you can wear a golf glove on your left hand and avoid having to touch the ball.  Keep the 6-foot social distance with your doubles partner (no chest bumps during the match) and no post-match handshakes.  SU says it’s certainly doable.
  • Golf: I have read some articles on line about golf.  The consensus is that you don’t go into the pro shop and you don’t drive a cart.  Pay at the first tee, use a pull cart or walk and carry your bag.  Pick your own ball out of the cup.  Wear 2 golf gloves so you can remove the flag from the hole.  Again, SU says doable.
  • Basketball: nope
  • Soccer: nope
  • Paddle Tennis: this might be harder to maintain the 6-foot social distance minimum.  Plus more likely to collide with your partner.

SU is in the middle of Babylon Berlin on Netflix.  Highly recommend.  Takes place in Berlin in 1929 before the rise of Nazism.  Dubbed from German (I think).  Worth a look says SU.

That’s it for now.  Tom Brady to the Bucs for $30 million a year?  Hard to see how that is a happy ending for him but he will in fact get paid handsomely (and he is handsome).  The NFL draft will be held with no crowd.  Baseball is targeting late May now.

SU says SNY and the YES Network should broadcast every game from last season in 2020 on the same day that it was played in 2019.  We need to get into some type of rhythm.  If you are a Yankee fan, you can try and tune in for games that Yankee players got injured.  You can either research that or just watch – pretty much every game I think.

The floor is open for other streaming suggestions or sports talk.

If Spring Training is Suspended, Can Yankee Players Continue to Get Injured?

SU asks the question.  Does this also put a freeze on Yankee player injuries?  Or will there still be the steady drip, drip, drip of ailments?  I mean Gary Sanchez had the flu last week (or maybe it was this week) and of course, Aaron Judge has that broken rib.  SU says the players should stay at home and make sure there is no soap on the floor of the shower or bathtub to slip on.

This is a time of healing.

Btw, if anyone has found any alternative viewing sources for sports, please pass them along to the intergalactic subscriber base.  Slim pickings right now.

Time to Check the Netflix and Amazon Listings

Move along everyone.  Nothing to see here.   All is well.

Well, sounds like the sports world is seeing things a bit differently.  First, the tennis world saw the Indian Wells Tournament canceled which is the biggest event after the Grand Slams.  It was canceled a couple of days before it was supposed to start with all of the top men’s and women’s players in Palm Springs.  Then, the Ivy League canceled its basketball tournament and now all of the NCAA basketball tournaments are being played with no fans in the stands.  SU would not be surprised if they cancel March Madness altogether but that is TBD I suspect.

Last night we learned that the NBA has “suspended” its season.  Under the best of circumstances, that may extend through the end of the regular season in mid-April but the guess has to be that this is a months long interruption.  They are still playing hockey but SU is sure the pressure will mount for them to suspend as well or at a minimum, clear out the stands.  Early April brings the Masters.  You could envision that tournament being played with no fans on the course but still go on as it’s not like the players are sweating on each other.

Which brings us to baseball that is scheduled to open 2 weeks from today.  There is talk of playing games in “neutral” sites but for SU, that doesn’t make sense.  You have to figure those sites will be on a short list if we ever get the testing process going.  Baseball is actually sitting in a better place as the season hasn’t started yet.  They can just play a reduced schedule starting in May -it’s happened before with the work stoppages.  Long-time subscriber, P. Friedman, points out that this would benefit the Yankees as half the roster is always on the injured list and it gives time for Paxton and Stanton to return along with Judge.

For the sports fan, our options are becoming very limited.  SU suggests that we use this site for recommendations on what to watch on Netflix and Amazon during our down time.  Let me start:

  • Broadchurch – it’s a British made murder mystery series – 3 seasons.  If you are like SU, you may need to watch with closed captions but I thought it was very good.
  • Jack Ryan –  good action.  Enjoyed season 1 more than season 2 but both were fun.
  • The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
  • The Crown – again British, so closed caption is helpful.  Interesting behind the scenes look at the Royal Family.
  • Catastrophe – I only watched season 1 but others find it to be very good
  • Fauda – I believe the new season is about to be released
  • Hunters – I did not like this one with Al Pacino but some do

Anyway, feel free to share what you’ve watched and would recommend to other sports-starved fans.  And stay healthy.

April Fools Day Comes Early at MSG

Did Management at Madison Square Garden make a mistake on the date?  April 1st instead of March 1st?  Long-time SU subscriber, T. Potter, alerted SU to this article below about Carmelo Anthony:

Could this possibly be true?  The Knicks are fortunate to finally have gotten rid of Melo a few years ago and now you want to bring him back – and why?  He’s a fan favorite?  His 42% field goal percentage is attractive?  The dude still can’t play defense and he still won’t come off the bench.  Is the intention then to stifle the development of the young talent?

SU is more and more convinced that anyone on this blog subscriber list can be an NBA GM.  Look, it’s only a rumor but if they did this, what is even the point?  No words.

Meanwhile, when is Aaron Judge going to make his debut?  This cannot be good that he is nursing a sore shoulder.  Keep an eye on Yankee prospect Florial who can play center field.  He might be the big surprise to crack the line up this year – they could certainly use him.

Greg Bird in the line up today for Texas.  0 for 10 for the spring.  It’s now a race to see if he can somehow get his first hit of the spring before the inevitable injury.  Should be close.  Mike Tauchman is also still 0 for the spring – needs to get going as he is an SU fave.  Tyler Wade at .071.  No one fails to take advantage of his chances more than Wade.  But he is a Cashman fave so he probably doesn’t have to do anything to make the roster come April.

Baseball and March Madness cannot come soon enough.