Time to Strap In

SU was impressed with the optimism of Yankee fans in the post-season predictions.  Clearly, only SU is something of a realist and hope springs eternal in October.  The stadium will be rocking tonight although the new Yankee Stadium is not as intimidating for visiting teams as the old one where the upper deck hung right over the field.  The new stadium is more set back which allows the noise to float up and out.  However, SU will gladly take the open concourses and the additional leg room as a trade-off.

A few things to keep in mind tonight:

  • Do we need to sign up right away for 13 strikeouts?  Or can the Yankees change their approach a bit and put the ball in play more?  SU was impressed with the Cardinals last night which strung together 7 hits and 2 walks in the last 1.2 innings against the Braves leaky bullpen.  Mostly singles and doubles.  SU would love to see that.
  • We know CC is off the roster – apparently for a sore shoulder.  Clearly, hanging out too much with Ellsbury.  Word is Encarnacion will be on the roster.  Let’s see if Voit makes it — and Ford.  And perhaps add Tyler Wade for a late inning stolen base?  And what’s the over/under for Gary Sanchez to reinjure his groin?  Game 2?
  • Paxton is huge for the whole post-season run.  The loss of German really limits the Yankees as you want to avoid Happ starting any of these games – although it appears he is the game 4 starter unless they go with an opener.  SU says Paxton is up for the challenge.  This is his moment to show he is the man.
  • The Yankees are solid on the road and a loss in NY is certainly not fatal.
  • Glayber will be the series MVP.

All 4 series are playing today – very cool for baseball fans.  You really appreciate the Yankee bullpen after watching Atlanta’s implode.   I thought the Braves’ manager left Mark Melancon in too long in the 9th inning and it came back to cost him as Atlanta scored 3 in the bottom of the 9th.  He even gave up a hit to get out of the 8th inning.  Playoff series are won and lost on managerial moves with the pitchers.

David Cone has thrown his hat in for the Mets’ managerial job.  He would like to be considered.  SU thinks he would be an interesting choice – very into the sabremetrics.  Of course, Joe Girardi is out there as is Joe Maddon although he is rumored to be headed to LA.

Strap in.

4 thoughts on “Time to Strap In”

  1. SU is not one to focus too much on the analytics but just saw this about the Twins’ series in The Athletic:

    “FanGraphs projections give the Yankees a 51.4 percent chance of winning the ALDS over the Twins. It’s a small margin, and given the teams’ similarities, the odds may be too close to take. Across MLB, the Astros are widely projected as the favorites to win the American League pennant and the World Series.”

    Only 51%???? Whoa.

  2. Wade and Voit make the roster- Ford left off. Apparently the stats show that the Twins had the best bullpen in baseball in the second half so maybe that accounts for the close odds. BTW, happy birthday to SU! Anything you want besides a World Series title?

  3. Oh, a set-up question for sure! Let’s see… Yes, here is today’s wish and if anyone is offended, they will get over it. I wish for the Republican Senators to show some spine. The world is watching. We now return you to your regular scheduled programming.

    1. Happy Birthday SU. Unfortunately for your birthday wish, with exception of Mitt Romney, the Republican senators are invertebrates.

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