MLB Gives the NFL a Brief Break on Officiating

Let’s face it: being an official or an umpire can put you in the spotlight more than you would like to be.  The NFL has been dominating the news of late as the officials can’t seem to get the call right on the loose ball plays – meaning whether to blow the play dead or let it go and then decide afterwards if it was a fumble or a forward pass.  They seem to go back and forth and some of these plays have come in crucial moments down the stretch of games.

SU has not been following the World Series – at all.  Once the Yankees went out, just not that interested.  However, I did wake up from a brief nap last night to catch the play in the top of the 7th inning of a 3-2 game.  Truth be told, we have all seen this play before during the regular season.  In baseball, it’s a stupid rule to have the bases in fair territory.  It forces the runner to have to cross the bag in fair territory.  SU says the home plate umpire was fooled by the fact that the first  baseman’s glove actually fell off trying to catch the ball.  The runner did not appear to hit his glove – the ball knocked it off.  To SU, the runner actually did nothing wrong and if the glove had not flown off, the umpire would not have called it interference.  It was actually funny that after the game when Joe Torre was interviewed on the field, he still thought the runner had knocked the glove off.

It’s a judgment call for the umpire and not reviewable.  Similar to pass interference in football although now coaches can appeal the call and, at least so far, generally not win the appeal.  Nationals’ manager Davey Martinez went berserk.  SU can see him being upset but it’s not reviewable.    The umpires called NY but that was just to have the rules read to them over the headset.  SU is sure they already know this rule – kind of stupid.  They were also confirming that the Nats could not protest the game over this play.

SU says that the play should be reviewable and if it was, they would have reversed it as the runner was in the proper position and did not knock off the glove.  Case closed.  Something to consider for the off-season.  Credit to Rendon who promptly hit a 2-run home run and avoided weeks and weeks of controversy.  Now, the Nationals can make this their rallying cry for game 7 and you have to figure that they have the  momentum.  SU says not a bad thing for baseball.  More passion, more interest in a World Series that has had few dramatic moments so far other than the road team winning every game.

What’s up with the Larry Rothschild firing?  Rumor is that the Yankees want someone who is more all in on analytics to be in that role.  SU thought he was an excellent pitching coach for all of his years with the Yankees.  No complaints.  Got the most out of a staff of brittle starting pitchers.  Keep an eye out for David Cone to get this job.  He is up on his analytics and has Yankee pedigree.

Finally, enough of not allowing your starters to face a line – up for a 3rd time.  If you are a stud pitcher, you know how to get through it.  SU says: “Save a reliever!” and let your starters pitch longer into games.  It’s good for the environment.

Hicks to Have Tommy John Surgery

The Yankees are getting a nice jump on 2020.  Aaron Hicks is going to have Tommy John surgery and will be out 8 – 10 months.  SU is curious that he was able to play in the ALCS with that injury?  Not sure I follow that.  Meanwhile, Tanaka already had surgery to remove bone chips in his elbow but will be ready in the spring.  And Luke Voit had surgery for that core injury and should also be ready.

The good news is that Mike Tauchman should have a nice role now in the first half of 2020.

Joe Girardi to the Phillies as their new manager.  SU has always been a Girardi fan and this is a good hire.  He will have a definite impact there – in a positive way.  Rumor has it that the Mets’ GM is good friends with AJ Hinch on the Astros, and that he may make a run at him to be their new manager.  Especially in light of the debacle with the Astros’ Assistant GM who apparently verbally abused some female reporters in the clubhouse celebration.  It took the Astros 3 press releases to say the right thing and Hinch ended up being the team spokesman.  Not the first time.

SU is happy for the Nationals’ quick start in the World Series but as we know, in baseball, home field is not that critical.  SU was struck by how Washington puts the ball in play to score runs – what a concept!  Rather than swing for the fences at all times and have zero awareness of situations, they actually look to move runners and pay attention.  That one’s for you, Gary Sanchez.

And That’s a Wrap for the Yankees

People flock to SU for wisdom and insight, and on a day like this, where else do you want to be?  Tough loss last night and the season ends in sudden fashion.  Older Yankee fans like SU have been there before, e.g., 2001 in game 7 vs. Arizona.  It’s tough to take but we need to reflect this morning.

Many will refer to SU’s post on October 2nd for the playoff preview:

“Earlier in the season, SU felt it was necessary to get to the World Series to say this season was a success but I revised my thinking to just getting to the ALCS and play Houston. This is a bad match-up for the Yankees. Too many hard throwing, right-handed starters. Losing German is a problem. Getting Stanton back is a problem. But playing a long, competitive series would be great to see. Losing in 6 feels like the outcome there and SU can live with that.”

And 3 weeks later, SU can live with that.  My thoughts:

  • I think in a post-season series, like in tennis in a Grand Slam final, you win and lose on the margins.  It’s the little things that do you in and it comes down to a few points in tennis and a few plays in baseball.  If you live and die with the  home run and that is your strategy, you will have to hit home runs in the  post-season against the elite pitchers and that is harder to do.  Of the runs that the Yankees scored vs. Houston, only 1 or 2 came not via the home run.  Not a formula for success.
  • Enough of the opener strategy.  Enough.  Face it, in the National League, this would never work – you would not have enough position players to do the double switches.  Sure, there is more strategy and second-guessing but I have no desire to watch any more 4+ hour games.  Not that interesting.
  • The Yankees overcame so many injuries.  Credit to Cashman and credit to Boone.  Well done.  Even being here was an achievement.
  • The suspension of German was enormous and not talked about enough.  The Yankees could have avoided the opener strategy if they had one more reliable starter and he was that guy.  For 2020, you have to hope he can get his life together, accept his suspension and learn from it.  Or not…
  • If you want to win it all which is the Yankees’ mission statement, then get your players to play like DJ LeMahieu.  It’s that simple.  The Yankees have some players who see that and play that way and they are not the starters/everyday players.  For this season, the team was the most enjoyable to watch when they were in the line up and over-achieving (Romine, Tauchman).  It wasn’t a joy to watch Gary Sanchez and his .235 average hit the occasional home run.  SU is not putting this series on his shoulders but I do not want to watch his passed balls, wild swings and confused looks anymore.  I am sure I am in the minority and he is an All-Star but he more than anyone needs to change the way he hits.  SU says he is the key to 2020.  Either come to camp with a new approach or move on.
  • Do not bring back Encarnacion.  Good guy, great career, time to go.  Gardner is an interesting decision.  If he comes back, he is the 4th outfielder.  Keep Tauchman – SU favorite player at this point.  Keep Didi but SU is worried they will let him go at 30 years of age.  Big mistake.  Great guy in the clubhouse and really was recovering from Tommy John all year.  Overpay him for 3 years but he needs to return.
  • Stanton: there is not time or room to whine here so I won’t.  He will be back as he is now untradeable.  Get used to it and get comfortable.  He can spend the off-season planning out his injury schedule for 2020.
  • Voit and Clint Frazier: interesting choices there.  Encarnacion put Voit off the roster and that was too bad.  He struggled down the stretch but is a good guy and should return.  SU is ready for Frazier to move on.

The question is do the Yankees pursue Gerrit Cole.  Long-time subscriber J. Gross has already weighed in that they need to get him.  SU does not like the expensive, long-term contracts.  They just never go well.  Clearly, the Yankees need the next great thing but they do have Devi Garcia ready to make the next move up from AAA.  It’s not my money but how do you pay both Stanton and Cole when guys like Judge, Sanchez are coming up right behind them and you want to lock in LeMaheiu for a couple more years?

Final thought: SU enjoys the journey – not just the outcome.  This was a great season – like 1998 – when they won every day.  The team was fun, had personality and good guys.  Chapman hung an 84-mph slider and that was that.  He was very good all year – can’t get too down on him other than who called that pitch?  Even if they won last night, they were not set up for game 7 the right way with pitching.  The Astros were the better team and the World Series will be a classic match-up of baseball’s best starting pitchers.  And that is the bottom line.

OK, here is your chance to weigh in.  Good season?  Disappointment?  Want to blame someone?  SU welcomes all comers.

Stanton in the Line-up; Encarnacion Out

Clearly, the Yankees are listening to SU – to a small, very limited extent.  Edwin Encarnacion is out for tonight’s game and Stanton is in.  Of course, he is batting clean-up (well he is hitting .500 for the series).  Gary Sanchez is also in the line up and will promptly hit 2 home runs.  Gardner is batting 9th (that feels better).

SU read an article this morning in The Athletic about how Sanchez is actually the Yankees’ best signal caller and really studies the analytics produced by the staff.  The pitchers love to pitch to him and the brass feel he excels behind the plate.  Who knew?

While the situation is bleak, do the Yankees adopt a rallying cry of “Win this one for CC?”  “CC or bust!”  He was dropped from the roster and his career is over.  Can it be?  We will soon find out.

Film at 11 (er, more like 12:30 am).

The End is Near

Full disclosure: SU did not watch the bottom of the 9th inning of last night’s Yankee playoff game.  SU is a true, blue fan and always stays to the bitter end.  But when your team basically gives up, well it’s hard to stick by them.  Very disappointing effort – but not surprising as SU has been writing.  A few observations:

  • What made this season so enjoyable, was the “next man up” mentality of the team.  There were never any complaints about injuries.  Boone just slotted in whoever was available and healthy and an amazing number of role players came through.  In particular, Maybin, Tauchman, Romine.  They put the ball in play.  Got big hits.  Hit close to .300.  Now, come playoff time, what do they do?  You put in guys that really barely played down the stretch and did not have enough at bats to be ready.  You know who they are.   But hey, it’s more fun to be critical.  Encarnacion: he had one, I repeat, one hot stretch for the Yankees all year (after SU had said he was a bad acquisition), first broke his hand and then hurt his oblique and except for one game vs. the Twins, has done nothing.  Should not be playing.  Gary Sanchez: a walking groin injury waiting to happen.  Missed much of September and Romine was truly outstanding all year.  WHY MUST HE PLAY EVERY GAME?  And if you have to play him, then DH him and sit Encarnacion.  Let Romine catch tonight.
  • As SU has commented all season, this team is too right-handed.  With Hicks and Tauchman out, you only had Gardner and Didi.  I get wanting to play Hicks but why bat him 3rd?  Truth is so few hitters can hit in this series, it probably doesn’t even matter how you design the line up but another odd move.
  • The plan to only allow your starters to go through the line up twice and then turn to the bullpen is stupid.  It’s in vogue these days but SU says the more you expose your relievers to the opposition game after game, well isn’t that similar to going through the line up 2 times and not wanting to face them a 3rd one?  Same theory.  Tanaka wasn’t perfect but his pitch count was still in the 70s.  You cannot expect Green who has been great to always get the same guys out.  Plus he has been hit hard this series but right at the outfielders.  SU says Boone is open to the second guess.
  • Ottavino has just been bad.  He was excellent in the regular season.  It feels like he is trying to be too perfect with his pitches.  But he has a 3-year deal and SU is confident he will grow from this experience.
  • John Smoltz has been showing his inner Al Leiter/A-Rod.  Please, please stop talking.  For 9-inning games that run 4 and a half hours, just cannot take it.  And face it: there is almost no action in these games.  Walks, strikeouts, lots of time between pitches.  What should be a chance for baseball to show it’s best face, it’s showing what some of the issues are for younger fans.
  • It was very cold last night and the Yankee fielders lost their concentration.  LeMahieu’s errors were actually both tough plays.  SU gives him a pass.  Glayber is a young guy and became frustrated.  He needs to reset and I think he will starting tonight.

What to do?  First, put Stanton on the IL.  Or start him tonight as DH.  SU has no love for him but he cannot be any worse than Encarnacion.  Second, put Maybin in left field.  Why not?  If you need to play Hicks, OK, but then sit Gardner.  He is scuffling too.  And start Romine at catcher.  Nothing to lose and he will call a better game to boot.

With Verlander starting, it probably doesn’t matter but rolling out the same cold hitters again makes no sense.  SU still believes that the loss of German was huge this series.  But Houston has the stud pitchers.  No doubt, it will make the Yankees overpay for Cole this off-season and he will promptly have arm issues.  But we have time for that.

Sad to see CC go out with a shoulder/arm injury but he had a great career and was a gamer.  Only fitting that more players get hurt in the playoffs.

Not over yet.  But as Joe Girardi says, “it’s not what you want.”

The Wind Will be a Factor Tonight

High wind warnings in NY today and no doubt it will still be windy tonight for game 4 of the Yankees – Astros series.  It will be blowing from left to right field so that fly balls to right field will be wind aided, and the ones to left field might be knocked down a bit.

No doubt Gary Sanchez is already thinking about this and will look to hit to right field tonight (OK, thought you might like some humor this morning).  Nah, he will reread his Mark Texeiria notes that say “ignore the shift at all costs.”

But the other issue is that the wind will impact the pitchers – especially the ones that have a lot of movement.  That would be Tanaka.  Now, that can help but also hurt.  Time will tell on that front.

For the Yankees, this is like a game 7 as you have Verlander going in game 5 and potentially Cole in game 6 on short rest.  SU says Greinke coughs it up in the post-season.  He is not as strong mentally as Cole and Verlander.  This is a winnable game but the batters need to have a better plan.  And so does Boone.  You cannot just roll out the relievers so early again as you may be playing 4 days in a row.  SU says be smart, or actually be smarter than you have been so far.

No Time to Panic… but Changes are in Order

SU caught most of the game.  OK, the Gary Sanchez prediction fell flat but face it, the Yankees were not expected to win this game.  Cole is tough and wasn’t even at his best tonight.  SU has seen enough – I have watched a lot of games this year – and it’s time for Aaron Boone to make some adjustments:

  • Gary Sanchez, have a seat.  You need hitters who can put the ball in play and are your best defensively.  Give Romine a start.  There is no downside to this move.  Sanchez has done nothing.  You need hitters who hit the ball.  There is enough power in the line up.
  • Edwin Encarnacion, you are next.  You are either red hot or ice cold.  There is no in between.  True, you had a double but SU has seen enough.  And get this: I want to start Stanton over you at DH.  You can’t put the generational one in the outfield with the quad.  DH is the answer.  Figure it rains tomorrow.  Another day to recuperate.
  • Juggle the line up.  Torres is your best hitter – put him 3rd.  Gardner hit 9th most of the season.  Good spot for him as he can start a rally.  I keep Urshela in there for his defense and he can hit here and there and makes contact.
  • Ottavino: yikes.  He has been terrible.  Cessa looked good tonight.  Give him a shot.

Assuming a rainout tomorrow, start Tanaka Thursday and Paxton Friday.  You don’t see Cole again until Sunday.  Greinke is beatable as is their opener.  The Yankees are paying the price for having too many right handed hitters in the line up but you knew that.  The offense looks bad but hey, you just faced Verlander and Cole.  It’s a 7-game series.  Not over but don’t assume you roll out the same guys next game.  SU has spoken.

Yankees Going with Thin Bench

So, apparently Stanton wants to play but even he’s not sure what he can do running.  Hicks gets the start as does Encarnacion.  SU predicts a big game from….. Gary Sanchez because I bad mouthed him yesterday.  He always responds to SU’s criticism.

Better hope the shadows are not terrible in the first few innings as Cole will be even harder to hit.  And Severino needs to be under control and not over-amped up.

Wednesday will be a rainout so the Yankees will throw Tanaka in game 4 Thursday and Paxton in game 5.  Opener in game 6 – if necessary.  Amazing that neither team has a 4th starter this series.  Welcome to the new baseball.

Well, No-one Was Predicting a Sweep

SU stayed up until the bitter end last night around 1 am.  Btw, there is no truth to the rumor that Boone came out to replace Happ after Correa’s home run.  Can these games be any longer or slower paced?

As a Yankee fan, you had won 4 games on a row in the playoffs and you are playing the best team in baseball.  You are not going to win every game – especially on the road.  But…. SU has some thoughts for you this morning and it’s a bit troubling for the Yankees:

  • The Generational One, Stanton, made the mistake of running hard to first base in game 1 and well, this year, the reality is that no Yankee should run hard to any base.  He strained his quad and SU says this is a big deal for this series.  The Yankees took an extra pitcher on the roster (we saw why last night) and you only have 3 position players on the bench.  If Stanton can in fact still play but only as a DH and not in the outfield, Boone will need to decide who to play at DH: Stanton or Encarnacion.  Wow, that is a tough call.  SU says Maybin has a knack for getting on base and is a solid outfielder in spacious Yankee Stadium left field.  Hicks looked decent last night in his pinch hitting role.  I would either play Stanton ahead of Encarnacion (enough of the wild swings already) or put Hicks in there but then you are limited if you wanted to pinch hit for Maybin and you lose the DH.  Either way, not ideal and Boone is limited.  As SU has said before, check your ego at the door and if Encarnacion becomes a pinch hitter, don’t say a word.
  • The suspension of German is a killer.  No-one talks about it but you are not putting Happ in there in the 10th inning if German is on the roster.  SU says Happ will be playing the official Paul Quantrill role in this year’s ALCS.  When the game goes into extra innings and you just need to end it, he is your man.  He did get a couple of guys out in the 10th but it was just a matter of time.
  • SU thought the strategy to have every reliever in the 10th inning start out with a 3-0 count was interesting.  CC, Loaisiga and then Happ.  It’s not what you want.
  • And then there is the case of Gary Sanchez.  SU will not bash him as he will no doubt hit 2 home runs in game 3.  But when I see him up in any situation, I just can’t picture him doing anything hitting into the shift.  The Astros could take the right fielder and put him in the infield on the left side, and he would still look to wildly pull the ball.  In the 11th inning, he got 2 huge breaks: first the pop foul hits the roof of the stadium (and what the hell?); and then his swing and miss for strike 3 is amazingly called a foul tip.  He was called out on the next pitch which was 2 inches outside but hey, that’s your make up call.  SU had no issue with the umpire all night.  He was excellent and no one talked about him.
  • Should Boone have pulled Paxton in the 3rd inning?  SU says absolutely.  He could not get his slider over the plate – not even close.  The Astros are good at seeing if pitchers are tipping their pitches – not sure if they can read his slider or not as they never seemed to swing at it out of the strike zone.  But the game was about to get out of hand there.  Now, Green did well but there were a couple of shots hit off of him right at people.  Also, the reason he was pulled to bring in Ottavino to pitch to Springer (who promptly homered), was because Springer’s stats against the type of fastball that Green throws is just about the best in all of baseball.  The sabremetrics guys on Twitter were all over this but not our friends at FOX.
  • Speaking of FOX, enough of the long commercials between innings.  When Correa hit his home run to start the bottom of the 11th, SU actually thought it was a tape of some previous game when Happ had faced him.  They  barely got back for that pitch.
  • Finally, SU does believe that letting the Astros see every reliever every game is a problem.  They will get more and more comfortable with them.  And Chapman was not fooling anyone in the 9th inning.

You have to figure game 3 goes to Houston with Cole pitching.  The hope is that Severino can give you enough innings to not burn out the relievers.  Now, the forecast for game 4 is rain all day and night on Wednesday.  If that one is rained out, Houston has to decide to pitch Greinke on full rest Thursday in game 4 or go with an opener.  The same question exists for Boone.  If you’re down 1-2, SU says go with a rested Tanaka on Thursday and scramble with an opener in the next game (or go with Paxton).  Cole is lined up for game 7.

For the baseball purist, it’s very interesting.  For Boone, he’s open to the 2nd guess about 20 times every game.  The reality for him is that the Yankees will lose any extra inning game this series once you start rolling out Happ and CC.  Have to win in 9.

If the Yankees can some how beat Cole in game 3, everything changes.  Big, big, game.

Finally, SU came across a story about George Springer who had a major stutter as a child.  He started a foundation to help kids overcome stuttering.  Good guy.  Heart-warming story and major props to him.

Game 1 Things to Know

Here we go Yankee fans.  The rosters and lineups have been set.  SU needs to weigh in:

  • No Voit, no Tyler Wade on the roster.  Hicks is in and so is Maybin.  SU says Voit played his way off the roster with a bad final 6 weeks of the season.  Hicks gives them another left-handed bat as they only have 2 that will play in Didi and Gardner.
  • CC is on the roster.  SU  feels like if he ends up pitching meaningful innings, not good.
  • Tanaka in game 1 instead of Paxton?  Hmmm.  He does have great post-season stats but if he is off, things will get out of hand quickly  in Minute Maid Park.  SU will rely on Boone’s instincts here but I was surprised by the selection.
  • Didi batting 9th????  And Stanton 5th???  SU says this is all about ego.  Stanton would be embarrassed to hit 8th or 9th (where he belongs) and Didi should be much higher.  As Houston’s top 3 starters are all right-handed, you want Didi up there in big situations.  SU predicts Boone makes the adjustment after game 1 once cooler heads prevail and Stanton swings at those low and outside sliders.
  • Astros have no left-handed pitchers on the roster.  None.  All about match-ups and they will throw the hard throwers against the overly right-handed Yankees.  Not ideal for New York.

SU is still predicting a Houston series win but is glad some of the intergalactic subscribers are taking the Yanks.  I do think game 1 is winnable for the Yankees as Greinke sometimes gets too emotional and a bit amped up.  You have to break serve one time in Houston and with Verlander going tomorrow, tonight’s the night.

Many predict the winner of this series to take it all but the Nationals and their stud starters are red hot and a force.  SU would love to see the Yankees prove me wrong.  But I am paid to be honest (wait, am I paid?)

Game on!