Decisions, Decisions

Brian Cashman is moving ever so closer to having to make a move to shore up the Yankees’ starting rotation.  The good news is that the team has over-achieved for 2 months and has won 8-9 series in a row.  SU has no complaints and this team is thoroughly enjoyable to watch.  But Houston is the team to beat in the AL and if your goal is to win the World Series, then you have to upgrade the starting pitching.  SU’s perspective:

  • German has been great but the last few starts you are starting to see the rest of the League catch up.  His ERA is 2 runs higher when Sanchez is behind the plate (no doubt the entire staff is 2 runs higher as well).  SU says have Romine be his catcher the rest of the season.  This is a no-brainer.
  • Severino is the wild card.  SU says you can’t count on him.  The Yankees’ training staff has been wrong all year on everyone.  They need to assume he will need surgery and find another starter.  SU believes that Keuchel is on the downside of his career or Houston would have re-signed him.  It will be tempting to sign him for 1 year but it’s a risk and no doubt a lot of money.
  • While SU prefers the prospects, watching Clint Frazier play the outfield is just too scary.  I have no problem with him wanting to avoid the walls with all of his concussions.  I get that.  But why does he have so much trouble with anything hit his way?  He is also a very streaky hitter.  The smart move is to package Frazier, Bird and a higher end prospect for a middle aged starter who is in the top quartile in baseball.  Not sure who that is.  Pretty sure it’s not Madison Baumgartner.  They have plenty of analytics people.  Find that guy.
  • Didi coming back next weekend is huge.  They desperately need another left-handed bat in the line up and he is a great presence in the clubhouse.  Certain guys will sit here and there but that’s ok.  Judge’s return will likely spell the end of Frazier.  Stanton’s return will likely spell the end of good karma.
  • In case you were wondering, SU was on record back during the winter that the Red Sox pitchers would be all screwed up this year by having the starters pitch in between starts in the playoffs.  Their starting rotation is a mess.  Is the world championship worth it?  Most would say yes.  David Cone did.
  • Batting Aaron Hicks 3rd, 4th, 2nd, makes no sense to me.  Put him 7th until he gets hot again.  Why the extra pressure?  He has one extra base hit since he returned.

Bottom line: Yankee fans cannot complain about anything this season given all the injuries.  However, like last year, they have a shot of winning it all but need to now start fine-tuning the roster for the post-season.  What moves would you make?

8 thoughts on “Decisions, Decisions”

  1. SU: As usual, I agree with everything you’re saying about the Yankees. But, I don’t understand why the way the Red Sox pitchers were deployed in October, in the heat and excitement of the playoffs, would screw them up six months later, assuming no injuries. Their starting pitching sucks this year more because of the let-down after winning it all than how they were used in October. Their relief pitching is fundamentally awful, and long before the 9th inning when they clearly miss crazy Kimbrel!!! It’s tough to repeat!!

    1. Steve, my point here is that by pitching them in relief in those series, Cora hurt their arms. I think that there is a carryover effect. Eovaldi clearly was injured by this. Managers are so careful during the season – 100 pitches, 3rd time through the line up. I think Cora rolled the dice. I think Maddon on the Cubs damaged Chapman a few years ago in their playoff series. I agree about letdowns and that is why no one repeats anymore with back-to-back World Series. But we always appreciate the perspectives from Red Sox fans!

  2. I believe I am an original subscriber to SU and also know the SU family well. For these reasons it pains me to announce that I will be forced to cancel my subscription if SU ever again suggests that another MLB franchise should be willing to give the NYY anyone of value for Greg Bird. This is the not the cutting analysis that I have come to love, enjoy and pay for over the years.

  3. Yes, I am familiar with the notion that Greg Bird is over-valued by SU. That is why I suggested a package deal here. Frazier is a legitimate top prospect and I am saying to give up another top one. Bird is a throw-in at this point – just looking to clear him off the roster as he will never succeed for the Yankees. He is doomed here in NY. But as always, we appreciate the comments!

  4. I can’t imagine that any GM has brought up the name Greg Bird in conversation with Cashman in 2+ years. The guy has been given every opportunity and simply isn’t going to cut it. There may have been someone in the Yankees’ analytics department who could slice the data to find some silver lining in his performance but most teams know better. Of course, maybe BVW has some relationship with Bird and the Mets would be interested.

    I have never liked Frazier. He does some things incredibly well but he’s too much of a clown. Still, he has enough positives that other teams should be interested. I’d be happy to trade him.

    A couple things about the Red Sox. First, they had a terrible start. Since then, the recovery is somewhat remarkable. Second, they played over their heads last year. Everything went right for them. It was kind of like what we’ve seen from the Yankees so far this season. I’m not counting the Red Sox out yet. Nobody should have expected them to duplicate 2018 but they are still a good team and, despite so many things going wrong this season, are right in the Wild Card hunt.

    Finally, there are too many bad teams in baseball. This is a problem. Baseball is focused on the number of mound visits while missing this point. The season over for more than 1/3 of the teams. Looking at the schedule on a given day reveals a chunks of games that are meaningless. It looks like the NFL schedule in December. The MLB schedule in June cannot look like the NFL schedule in December. There are far too many games left to be played for which there will be no reason to go to the ballpark or tune in the tv or radio. (This dynamic will get uglier with the increased emphasis on gambling.)

  5. We are 1 true #1 Starter away. Without Verlander we would have beaten Houston. Package the guys you mentioned and lets get a #1 starter. Who is the guy from Cleveland that’s suppose to be really good. What about Sindeghar from the Mets. Seattle? Someone needs a few solid hitters… Paxton might be moving to the b#2 slot followed by Tanaka. I’m not keen on Germain just yet. But then again when you look at Sale’s record maybe some patience with Germain remains in order.
    I’m still sticking with 105 wins. Currently we are on a 106 win pace without Judge and Didi and Severino.I wish Stanton can be traded but that’s not going to happen unfortunately.

  6. Hard to complain about anything that has happened YTD. I would have been happy to be around .500 at this juncture, so if we start there, it only gets better for the regular season. Didi is back soon and eventually Stanton and Judge. I have same reservations about Stanton coming back as does SU but he is coming back and will play everyday. Hard to argue with a line-up that has to include LeMahieu leading off and playing everyday followed by Judge , Didi, Sanchez, Stanton, Torrez, Voit , Hicks and Urshela (Gardner).. Which probably means less playing time for Urshela and Gardner but that’s fine. We all know we don’t have starting pitching to match up with Houston in the playoffs, but if Betances comes back, the bullpen should be full up so we only need 5 innings from our starters to compete and Paxton, Tanaka and German could do that.
    Bird is worthless in a trade but we will need him to fill Ellsbury’s role once his contract is up. Frazier will fall to 5th outfielder so is tradeable but not going to get decent starting pitching for him even if you throw in Bird, Ellsbury, and Carl Pavano.

    We have hitting and bullpen, just not top line starters but who can have everything? On yeah, the Houston Astros–we’ll see what happens, that’s what makes it fun..

  7. Yankees must find room down the road for Thairo Estrada. He is a future All-Star. I would rather have him play than Frazier or Gardner. I would love to get Stroman, if it costs Frazier, so be it. They could not get a used two cent stamp for Bird.

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