Your New York Knicks: Be Bold!

Well, say good bye to the Porzingis Era in New York.  It looks like management did not like his negative comments about team culture and with the direction of the team.  Phil Jackson drafted him and he’s no longer here to protect him and soothe his ego.  New regime, new game plan, wants their own players.  SU must admit that since the Isiah Thomas era as Team President, I just don’t care that much about the Knicks.  Personal note: SU was on a flight this week with Isiah but as he was sitting in 1st class, I didn’t have time to share my perspective with him (or sign him up for SU).  Several people did shake his hand and pose for pictures with him.  He’s a likeable guy; bad team executive; doesn’t age.

But I digress.  The Knicks have officially started a new rebuild. SU liked Porzingis and they packaged him with Tim Hardaway, Jr. and Trey Burke (other SU faves) so I really have no reason to watch any of their games now.  Zip, zero, nada.  In return from Dallas, they get all of the “expiring contracts” (which all NBA trades include) and a possible #1 pick.  It appears that the Knicks are going all in to get Durant this off-season, Zion Williamson as a #1 pick and then pick up a few free agents (how about Manny Machado?).  If they pull it off, you are a contender in 2019 – 2020 – especially in the NBA Eastern Conference.  I can’t say I love the moves but I do give management credit for being bold and maybe, just maybe as Melania Trump says, “Be Best” (one wonders what else she says but that’s not why you are here).

Meanwhile, there is a big game on tap for this Sunday.  SU is always asked to make those bold predictions and I am happy to oblige:

  • This will be a high scoring game.  Indoors, strong QBs, not so strong defenses, and hey, we all like scoring.
  • You have to give Brady a lot of credit this year.  He has the Pats back in the Super Bowl without any top notch receivers.  Edelman is still there but he has dropped a ton of passes this season – many more than in past years.  He does have good running backs and no doubt that will be their strategy to keep the Rams’ offense off the field.
  • Let’s go with the Rams: 35 – 31.  Another close Super Bowl that is entertaining.

As always, SU asks the intergalactic subscriber base for its predictions and the chance to receive major notoriety come Monday as we post the score that comes closest to the actual result.  This is your chance for fame and fortune (well, certainly fame although maybe we can get you that SU logoed windbreaker as a prize).  Have at it.  What’s your prediction?  You may even want to embellish your prediction with a key play that will happen.

And while you’re at it, thoughts on the blockbuster Knicks’ trade?

Baseball Hall of Fame Bar Drops

SU must admit that I was very surprised that Mike Mussina made the Hall of Fame this week.  What is up with that?  He was a solid pitcher over a long career.  Very smart guy from Stanford who was always prickly with the media – especially with Michael Kay.  He won 20 games one time and for much of his career, pitched in Baltimore’s Camden Yards which yields a ton of home runs.  Same with Yankee Stadium so you have to give him credit there.

SU would compare him to Don Sutton who had a long, consistent career and was always among the top 10-15 pitchers.  I think now that Harold Baines has been admitted, we are going to see many others with very good but not top cut stats get in.  Edgar Martinez was a great DH – killed the Yankees for many years.  I don’t see him as being in this category either.  Mariano, of course, is a no-brainer and it was good to see him on every ballot.

SU has received a few comments from subscribers via email and wanted to share this excerpt here.  From long-time subscriber and major baseball fan, P. Bok:

  • “You know my stance on Mussina and I think that he deserves it.  Lots of wins and he won 20 in his last season.  He was the quiet leader on those very successful Orioles teams and gave everything to the O’s and Yankees year in and year out.  He could have hung around for 300 and he decided to not stick around (which I thought he should have continued to pitch as he was effective… and 300 is 300 (ask Glavine)).  I guess he had enough money and was happy to move on.  It is not his fault Jeffrey Meier brought his glove to the game nor was it his fault those Yankees teams did not win a World Series.  I think he could have won a championship with the ball bouncing his way, but it didn’t… Martinez – my vote is a “no”.  Great hitter, but in my opinion not great enough.  I guess there was one clutch moment, but that is all I remember in a very long career. I think Ortiz deserves it when eligible – and I feel his situation is different, but call me hypocritical regarding a DH in Cooperstown.  Martinez does not have a “This is our f***ing city moment”, and after Ortiz appeared done, he bounced back for two more solid years and led that team.”

I don’t know how many of you are following the tennis at the Australian Open – it’s hard to watch matches that start at 3:30 am.  But in this tournament, some of the “Generation Next” players have broken through to make it to the later rounds only to be squashed by Nadal and Djokovic.  It’s great for tennis that the 20-year olds are making some in-roads.  It’s also interesting to see how Nadal and the Djoker have sustained their dominance and will be meeting in the finals on Sunday (at 3:30 am of course).  Djokovic leads that match-up 27-25.  When you consider that most of their match-ups come in semis and finals, it’s a terrific rivalry.  I don’t think Nadal has a losing career mark against anyone else.

Thoughts on the Hall of Fame entries?

Are Bad Calls Just Part of Sports?

SU gets it.  If you are a Saints’ fan (or if you bet a lot of money on the game), you are outraged by the non-call on the receiver late in regulation.  It was so obvious.  However, SU says that if you watched that entire game, the refs were clearly trying to not call a lot of penalties..  They were letting them play.  The reality is if that pass interference or blow to the head penalty is called, the Saints run down the clock and kick the winning field goal.  Agreed.  SU says consider the following:

  • The Saints were the beneficiary of a number of controversial officiating calls this year.  Naturally, no one brings that up including Sean Payton.
  • The Saints defense could have still stopped the Rams on that last drive.  They didn’t get the job done.
  • Games that are decided late also have many plays during the game that were equally critical but are forgotten in the end.

What can the NFL really do?  SU says it’s a slippery slope to review possible penalties as that can work both ways.  Are you allowed to review a penalty that IS called?  And when it comes to pass interference, you can call that on every single pass.  Literally.  Here is what SU suggests – for all sports:

  • If it’s pass interference, call it.  Every time.  When the defender is locking the receiver’s arm down, call it.  The grab?  Just call it.  It will stop if you call it every time.  There will be an adjustment period but ultimately it will stop.
  • In sports, officiating is the human factor.  SU is sure that every umpire or ref who blows a call feels terrible about it.  They are trying to do their best (except maybe for Joe West in baseball who is too lazy to be in position and has his personal vendettas).
  • Let’s face the reality: in some sports, you no longer need the officials.  Tennis is there.  True, it’s expensive to have the technology on every court but where you do have the technology, why have the lines persons?  You make the players challenge but that shouldn’t be necessary as the technology is down to the millimeter.  You still need the umpire as players will get out of hand, but why not?  Hey, in college, the players even call their own lines and wait … pick up their own balls!  And while we’re at it, keep your own towel in the corner and go get it if you need to dry off.  Why do tennis players need to towel off after every point?  You should get one towel off per game.  Speed it up!
  • Penalize the players who claim a bogus penalty or foul.  In football, stop with the hand motions for the call – both by the receiver and the defender.  That is an unsportsmanlike penalty – 15 yards.  Boom.  You do that in high school basketball, it’s a technical.  Same thing in basketball.  And you know what?  If you flop, that’s a technical foul.  No doubt this would put the entire Wisconsin basketball team on the bench, but so be it.  Play defense and stop falling down or jerking your head back.

Technology helps to clarify the close play – see baseball where in fairness, the umpires have no chance to get those close plays correct, and SU says that their hit rate is less than 50%.  I get it – they are bang bang plays.  The technology works.  And you can also use technology to call balls and strikes.  Totally fine with that – just make the adjustment for the tall guys like Aaron Judge and Stanton.

Bottom line: it’s never going to be 100% perfect but let’s use technology in a smart way and penalize players for faking.


No Collusion!

You have got to admit that the MLB free agent market has been unusually quiet this off-season.  Now, you might take the position that it’s the same as last year where hitting stud JD Martinez wasn’t signed by the Red Sox until February.  Or you can agree with the GM who said that until the Yankees trade Sonny Gray, many teams are in a holding pattern.  MLB Club payrolls are down from last year, Manny Machado was offered (allegedly) $175 million for 7 years by the White Sox (only $25 million a year) and Bryce Harper is still out there.  It makes you wonder…

Perhaps a number of owners are looking into building skyscrapers in Moscow and have been distracted…  Anyway, how about these developments?

  • The Yankees completed the rebuilding of their bullpen by signing Adam Ottavino for what seems like a very reasonable contract.  They have now shortened the game to 4 innings which lines up well with some of their starters.  SU likes the move and is content to move forward to next season with this roster.  It also feels like they have now spent enough to avoid trading Andujar or signing Machado.  However, the articles are still out there regarding how Machado to NY is a no-brainer.
  • Clint Frazier tweeted that he is healthy and has been cleared to play in February when camps open.  And he is not just saying that he is ready to go.  He is saying that he is ready to compete for a starting spot.  SU likes the confidence and a touch of arrogance.  Btw, there is no truth to the rumor that Jacoby Ellsbury tried to hit him in the head with a bowling ball to recreate those concussion-like symptoms.  Let the competition begin…
  • Serena Williams prepared for the Australian Open practicing with some of the top men’s players.  It’s a great idea and her game shows it so far.  You would think more of the women players would look to do that although you can only get the time in during those tournaments where the men and women are both playing, e.g., Grand Slams, Miami, Indian Wells.
  • Looks like Urban Meyer will be a FOX college football analyst this coming season.  SU is on the record that he will be in the NFL a year from now as someone’s head coach.
  • Long-time subscriber, E. Alper, shares this article on how MLB hitters are actually making the adjustments against the shifts:

Don’t Worry, MLB — Hitters Are Killing The Shift On Their Own

Clearly, the research has not included any of the Yankee hitters…

SU has been asked to make some bold predictions for this week’s NFL Conference championship games.  SU likes the Chiefs and Mahomes but is concerned about the frigid temperatures in KC on Sunday night.  You have to figure the Pats are better prepared and more experienced to play in that type of weather.  You also have to factor in that Andy Reid finds very creative ways to lose playoff games.  But I will take the Chiefs 24-20.

The Saints have not played well in weeks.  The Rams may be a year away and New Orleans is a hard place to play for the visiting team.  But SU says they are ready to take that next step: Rams win 31-24.  A KC – LA Super Bowl featuring the next generation of QBs would be very entertaining.  Or not.

It’s a cold Friday afternoon.  What’s on your mind?

For 2019, the Role of Brandon Drury on the Yankees Will be Played by…..

…DJ LeMahieu!  OK, SU is an American League snob and I must admit I don’t know anything about this guy.  $24 million for 2 years.  He has won multiple gold gloves and can hit although not with a lot of power.  What do we make of this?

  • On the face of it, it seems like Manny Machado is now history as far as coming to NY.  How many infielders do you really need?  That is one theory.
  • Theory #2 is that Miguel Andujar is on his way out of town as you already have Tulowitzki and now LeMahieu.  Could you add Machado and trade Andujar?  Yes, that is possible but you just added a lot more infield payroll than if you had kept Andujar.
  • Cashman likes the solid, lower profile slick fielding infielder.  Drury was that guy and maybe now LeMahieu will be this year’s version.

SU is still in a wait and see mode here.  My hope is that they keep Andujar although Cashman is clearly upset that he only hit 45 doubles instead of 50.  And he must not like that he has power to all fields and is basically a hit machine.  With Bird likely heading out of town, Andjuar is SU’s favorite player and I continue to be annoyed.  The silver lining here is that I will accept the Andujar trade only if they do not sign Machado.  That is my trade demand.

Btw, SU liked the Lowrie signing by the Mets.  He is a Yankee killer and is just a plain good hitter.  Good pick-up and someone who can hit in the clutch.  You have to like the way the Mets are quietly retooling and aiming to win in 2019.

Finally, SU had the chance to visit the Braves’ new stadium and the Battery Atlanta area around the stadium.  This is very cool – hotels, bars, restaurants, condos all around the complex.  It’s the new model for sports venues.  Note to Hal: how great would this be in the Bronx??

Is the Machado deal with the Yankees history?  Door open for Harper now?  Or do we build around Jacoby Ellsbury in 2019?

Too Quiet on the Baseball Free Agency Front

It continues to be very, very quiet out there.  This is the 2nd off season in a row where teams have been exercising a lot of restraint when it comes to signing free agents – and especially for long term deals.  Some have said that the Sonny Gray trade is actually holding up many other team moves.  There also seems to be an ego contest between the agents for Harper and Machado to see who goes first.

The bottom line is that SU is having anxiety over the Yankees continuing to consider the Machado signing.  SU considered declaring a national emergency and thereby forcing the Yankees not to sign Machado but I couldn’t get network air time to make my case so won’t be doing so.   But I actually would be ok with Bryce Harper as he is left-handed and with Gardner on his last legs and Hicks potentially leaving next year as a free agent, well if you are committed to over spending, put the money there.  It feels like the Yankees are intent on spending the money – they can’t be stopped.  Signing Harper allows them to keep Andujar.  Signing Machado will see Andujar leave town and that would be a major mistake.  To me, it’s a no-brainer to sign Didi long-term, keep Andujar and have a young infield intact and in place for years to come.

Zach Britten – $39 million for 3 years?  It’s a gamble as you have to hope he can regain his old form but there is an opt out after 2 years.  It’s not a given for relievers who other than Mariano, tend to be up and down.  But with Robertson gone, it made sense and it gives them insurance when Chapman’s knee gives way in August.

Clemson is by far the #1 team – impressive win last night.  Fans who want an 8-team playoff should take note that ticket prices fell for the game last night and SU is not even sure they sold out.  Very few shots of the upper tier in the stands last night.  The reality is that fans can’t afford to travel  3 weeks in a row for these games and SF is not a hotbed for college football.  Full disclosure: I only watched a few minutes of the game.  Clemson vs. Alabama year after year, while pitting the 2 best teams against one another, is not that compelling.

SU has moved on to college hoops and is enjoying Michigan’s season.  If you are just below the top 5 high school players level (who will always go to Duke or Kentucky),  how can you not want to play for John Beilein?  His players get better each year and he has a good track record of getting them drafted for the NBA.  He is not a screamer and every game is on TV.  Plus they play the game the right way.  Michigan may become known as a basketball school now.

David Robertson Signs with Phillies

Clearly the Yankees are counting on Troy Tulowitzki pitching out of the bullpen on days he is not playing shortstop as the Yankees let David Robertson go to the Phillies.  He is getting $10 -11 million a year which is closer type money so it’s hard to argue with that.  On the other hand, he is a proven pitcher who has thrived in New York and is a guy you can slot into the closer’s role when Chapman inevitably breaks down during the season.  Assuming Zach Britten gets that type of money somewhere, the Yankees’ bullpen is definitely weaker heading into 2019.

SU assumes Cashman has a plan.  Unfortunately, all signs continue to lead to them signing Machado as the White Sox apparently won’t go above 7 years on their contract offer.

More and more this feels like the 2004 season where they had Gary Sheffield and a slew of big-time hitters and what was really just medicore pitching (see Kevin Brown and Jon Lieber in the LCS against the Red Sox).  SU says the more I think about it, the more I am unhappy with the Machado signing.  You can already picture Stanton and Machado striking out in big spots back-to-back in the 9th inning and the announcers wondering why the Yankees will only field a right-handed hitting team.  At least Stanton hustles and will walk briskly back to the dugout while Machado will likely slug the catcher.

Remind me one more time: what happened to the youth movement??  And why isn’t Andujar a better option?

Yankees Sign Tulowitzki: Huh?

SU needs your help here.  I am having a little trouble following the Yankees’ game plan today.  They have signed Troy Tulowitzki for only $500k or so as the Blue Jays owe him the rest of his $20 contract.  The guy is 34 years old.  He has played 66 games in the last 2 seasons and has had multiple surgeries as his body begins to fossilize.

Cashman can come off looking like a genius if he suddenly regains his form from his Colorado Rockies days but if he had anything left in the tank, wouldn’t the Blue Jays have kept him as they are paying him anyway?  And is this another move because of Didi’s injury?  Are they going to have Tulowitzki room with Jacoby Elsbury so they can trade doctor and injury stories?  Luckily, he is a right-handed hitter as the goal is to only have 2 left-handed hitters on this year’s roster (Gardner and Hicks).

This roster screams out for signing Bryce Harper over Machado to get another lefty bat in there.  SU is perplexed and what about the pitching?  The Mariners signed the Japanese pitcher that was out there.

Is anyone home in the Bronx and paying attention?