Trivia Time

As you know, SU is not a fan of putting trivia questions out there as some in the SU intergalactic subscriber base have been known to access the internet in coming up with their answers.  But SU just came across this question and in the spirit of the Robinson Cano trade rumors, I will offer this one up:

“Robinson Cano played 9 seasons with the Yankees.  Which two players spent 9+ years with the Yankees and also played with the Mets?  Both players were Yankees before they moved to Queens.”

SU did not get either one but the answers are both brand names.  Have at it and be the first to show off your greatness.

Cano Coming to New York?

Met fans, hold on to your hats.  Your new GM, and former player agent, Brodie Van Wagenen, is getting ready to pull the trigger on bringing Cano from the Mariners to the Mets along with Edwin Diaz who had 57 saves last year to lead baseball.  OK, so Van Wagenen was Cano’s agent – maybe he knows something others don’t?  Let’s consider:

  • Cano is 36.  He was suspended 80 games last year for PED use.  He makes $24 million a year and has 5 years left on his contract.  And did I say he was 36?
  • Cano is made for the DH.  True, he has been a work-horse over the years in terms of games played except for 2018, but he is now 36 with a contract that goes til he is 40.
  • The Mariners will be throwing in some money here which should help.  Diaz is due for arm issues after all of those saves this season – we have seen that before with over-worked relievers the following season (see Scott Proctor’s elbow).  Plus do the Mets really need such a stud closer this season?
  • As a Met fan, are you prepared to see Cano jog down the 1st base line on infield ground balls?
  • Or are you envisioning hard hit line drives all over Citi Field?  SU likes Cano and I have continued to root for him since he left the Yankees.  Great hitter and was a gold glove caliber 2nd baseman.  But you knew when he signed that contract that the last 5 years were not going to be pretty.  I just can’t see him being productive without the DH spot as an option for him.

In case you missed it, Ronald Torreyes was traded to the Cubs who in turn, traded their super sub/pinch hit specialist to the Dodgers.  It looks like Torreyes could get a real shot to play in 2019.  Good for him.  An easy guy to root for.

Corbin visited the Yankees yesterday.  SU read that at his recent wedding, one of the toasts mentioned Corbin’s desire to come home and play in NY.  SU believes the Yankees have to be the front runners here.  So, if you sign him, do you still sign Happ?  SU says yes – or maybe Eovaldi who had a strong 2nd half of the season.

What do you say Met fans?  Dare to be great?  Make the Mets great again?

Torreyes Designated for Assignment

And so it begins.  The Yankees picked up a pitcher from the Angels and in order to make room on the 40-man roster, they DFA’d Ronald Torreyes.

Now, Torreyes was a key bench player for Girardi in 2017 but Boone had no use for him this past season.  Despite the few chances that he got to play, he always hit.  Plus a great guy in the clubhouse and a player favorite.  But, at 150 pounds, not a home run hitter and as we know, the Yankees are all about home runs vs. actually moving runners along and getting on base.

Hey, he would not have been a key player in 2019 although with Didi’s injury, you figured they could use someone like him.  SU will monitor the future moves here.  AJ Cole is still on the roster and could have been moved to make room as well.  He is pretty terrible.  I will withhold judgment – for now.  Need to see what’s up with free agency.  Some smart GM will pick up Torreyes – he is only 26 years old and he only hustles and works hard.

Break Up the Knicks!

Don’t look now but YOUR NEW YORK KNICKS have become quite entertaining to watch this year.  All of the close games that they have been losing are now turning into W’s.  This team plays hard as you can see that every player is competing for minutes every night.  The coach has juggled line ups and his substitutions almost every game so that come the 4th quarter, it’s hard to know who will be in there.

Case in point: Trey Burke was a DNP for several games in a row.  Then, all of a sudden, he is back in the rotation and putting up huge numbers.  Now, Fizdale is playing him down the stretch in the 4th quarter and has also figured out that he can pair him with Mudiay and have two point guards in at the same time.  It makes sense to have your best players on the floor at the end of the game and he is also going with the hot hand as appropriate.  SU would like to see a bit more ball movement as their assist totals are very low but they do push the ball up the court and play hard on defense.

Last night, Jaren Jackson Jr. had 7 blocks for the Grizzlies.  He was a one and done player for Michigan State and he is thriving now in the NBA in his rookie season.  SU says it shows that Tom Izzo at Michigan State is overrated as he did not get much out of Jackson last season.  This guy can play and should have been able to do more last year for the Spartans.

Meanwhile, Jeremy Lin is now thriving in Atlanta and he will be moved in December to a contender.  Just hope he can stay healthy.

Finally, another last second loss for the Giants who can now go into full tank mode to be better positioned to draft a quarterback.  Time to just rebuild.  It’s too bad as the NFC East is terrible and 9-7 will likely win the division.

Michigan Still Miles Away from Ohio State

Michigan fans are licking their wounds this morning after a thorough beatdown by the Buckeyes yesterday.  Let’s get right to it:

  • Jim Harbaugh’s offensive play calling continues to baffle SU.  While just about every other team in the country plays a fairly wide open style in this era, he continues to pound the ball on the ground with the strategy of wearing down the opponent in the 4th quarter.  This approach has worked in the NFL – about 25 years ago.  But given all of the rule changes, most teams have opened up the passing game and looked to throw down the field.
  • Clearly, the country’s best defense was overrated as they were torched against a diversified Ohio State attack.  Zero pass rush and crossing pass after crossing pass killed them.  SU was surprised that Michigan’s coaches were not prepared for that as other teams have used it effectively all year against the Wolverines.
  • The Big Ten is mediocre this year.  Teams like Wisconsin, Michigan State and Penn State had down years and even Ohio State struggled most of the season defensively.  Now, only Northwestern stands in their way and while upsets are always possible, you have to wonder if the Wildcats can put 4 quarters together against a high powered attack like Ohio State’s.
  • Love him or hate him, Urban Meyer is a great college football coach.  SU is no fan but you have to give him his due.  It sure looks like he will walk away for health reasons (plus ongoing controversy) and SU has said for a long time that he will go to the NFL.  Perhaps he needs a year off.  But he has always played a wide open offense and it makes a huge difference.  Michigan has some playmakers at wide receiver and the offensive line was better as the season unfolded.  Hopefully, Harbaugh will get an offensive coordinator for next season and allow him to put in a more creative scheme.
  • Bottom line: if the goal for a successful season is to beat Ohio State, then you need to make changes.  Harbaugh is a great recruiter and the team was fun to watch this year.  SU does not live and die with football – or any sport or team for that matter.  There are too many other more important things in life as we all know.  But the best coaches recognize their shortcomings and make the adjustments.  It will be interesting to see if Harbaugh can do that.  I also don’t think he is an attractive alternative for the NFL now given his conservative approach offensively.  We are not talking Andy Reid here.  But he can certainly thrive at the college level with a bit of a tweak for next season.

So, Michigan fans, how are you feeling this morning?

So Far, So Good

OK, the reviews and comments are in: mostly positive.  Paxton sounds like a feisty competitor, wants to be in NY, he’s a lefty and is in his prime.  The only downside – and this may be a big downside – is that he rarely makes every start and has had pretty much every possible injury you can have over the years.  Now, the good news is that his arm should have less wear and tear as he is never making 30+ starts a year.  But the Yankees will have to be a little wary of this going forward.

While Sheffield may turn out to be the real deal, SU does not have the attachment to this guy as of yet and as we all know, the Yankee prospects are always over-hyped.

So, what happens next?  SU says the key is what they do with Aaron Hicks.  If Cashman re-signs him, then they won’t sign either Harper or Machado.  If Hicks leaves, then SU predicts the Yankees will be all in for Bryce Harper.  I don’t see any Machado scenario unless they are going to trade Andujar which would be stupid.  Give him a chance to work on his fielding or make him a first baseman.  And please: all the talk of a partial season shortstop solution – there are a million guys out there that can fill that void.  Didi is the man – he will be fine and they should not give up on him.  Plus he’s one of your few left-handed hitters.

Did you see last night’s Chiefs – Rams game?  I must admit that while I love the offense, at some point it’s a little ridiculous.  Can it really be that easy?  Only a handful of teams fire on all cylinders like that it’s surprising how the defenses are unable to cover receivers without being penalized.  Last night may also be a function of playing in a warm weather city.  That may not happen in January when it’s windy and cold.

Yankees Make the First Move

OK, Cashman has made his first trade getting Paxton from the Mariners for some prospects including Justus Sheffield who is their top pitching prospect and possibly their top overall guy.  SU does not know much about Paxton but he has a lot of strikeouts and is 30 years old.  Definitely someone who will be slotted in high in the rotation.  It would have been fun to see what happened with Sheffield but the team is built to win now and SU has confidence in Cashman’s judgment (Sonny Gray excluded).

They need to go for it in 2019.  SU says good first move.  Thoughts?

Focusing on College Sports

SU is back from a very fun weekend with long-time subscriber, B. Levine, up at Mohegan Sun to check out the Michigan hoops team for an early season tournament.  I am telling you college sports is the best.  Not only were we 3rd row mid-court for the championship game but the Michigan players were staying next door to our room in the hotel.  Recommendation from SU: college basketball gives you the chance to really see things up close and personal – almost like high school.  You can hear the coaches yell, players talk on defense and the effort is there on every possession.

John Beilein is such a great ambassador for Michigan and goes about his business without the fanfare of Tom Izzo (the troll) and the “one and dones” at Duke and Kentucky.  His teams play the right way.  SU is all in on college hoops this year.

SU is also looking ahead to the Michigan- Ohio State game this weekend where the Wolverines are actually favored in Columbus.  They are the better team but Ohio State has under-performed all year despite having a superior roster of players.  You wonder if they have not played their best game as of yet.  SU actually believes that if Ohio State ran the table and won the Big Ten Championship game, they would not get into the final 4 BCS championship with the bad loss to Purdue and the embarrassing performance vs. Maryland this weekend.

Brian Cashman is putting out all kinds of misdirection with the free agents.  SU is getting more nervous that they may actually sign either Machado or Harper thereby clogging up the roster with over-priced hitters for the next 10 years and allowing guys like Sanchez and Didi to walk.  Surely cooler heads will prevail and they will focus on pitching through the trade market but just not sure.  I think if they re-sign Hicks, then no Harper but if they let Hicks go, then they will be all in on signing Harper.  Rumors also have the Mets in the market for Machado which is interesting.  As always, baseball has the best off-season assuming the owners are looking to spend.

Looking Ahead to BCS College Football Playoffs

Long-time subscriber, T. Potter, raised this interesting question to SU: “If Georgia beats Alabama in the SEC Championship game (assuming both teams win out the rest of their games), Notre Dame wins out, Clemson wins out, and Michigan beats Ohio State and wins the Big Ten Championship game, does Alabama still get into the Final Four?”

Alabama has been the consensus #1 team from day one pretty much all year.  Georgia has one loss (by 20 to LSU on the road) and Michigan has one loss to Notre Dame on opening day on the road by a touchdown.  The Final Four would likely be Notre Dame, Georgia, Clemson and either Michigan or Alabama.  The SEC had two teams in the BCS last year – do they do that again?  Both Michigan and Alabama would each have a loss to a BCS team.  The Committee will no doubt run the numbers, strength of schedule and all the rest.

As a biased Michigan fan, SU would pick Michigan and take the position that Alabama had just lost what was essentially a “play-in” game to Georgia.  I personally have not been impressed by Clemson’s schedule this year – they had a good win over Texas A&M on the road, but the ACC has not been great this year.  They are ranked #2 but SU is not sure that they are world beaters.

The fact that the process isn’t clean is actually good for college football – makes for livelier conversation and higher interest.

What do you think?  Who would get in?  Lots of things still need to happen including Michigan beating Ohio State on the road which to SU is a tall order always but this might just play out.

Free Agent Season is Here

SU is back in action after decompressing from Election Night coverage.  I will not forgive, Nate Silver’s web site, for having a screwed up forecasting model that showed the Democrats’ chances of winning the House going from 90% at 8 pm to 35% at 8:45 pm.  Note from SU: you have all year to make sure that is working properly.  Let’s get on that – especially after your 2016 debacle.

But that’s not why you are here today.  There are rumors in Yankeeland that Cashman is looking to trade the Generational One, Stanton, in order to free up money to sign Bryce Harper.  Let’s consider that.  You will move one overpaid player to sign another player for even more money who will be even more overpaid.  Others are saying that the Yankees will sign Harper anyway and keep Stanton.

The going rate for Harper this year will be in the $35 – 40 million a year range.  You can sign 3 solid or better players for that much money.  SU says the big free agents like Machado and Harper will not put up numbers that are that much better than the next tier players.  You are talking 5-10 home runs and 15 – 20 rbis.  Not worth it.  Machado is a Cano redux – won’t hustle and shows some signs of being a dirty player.  Harper is always scowling and is coming off a sub-par season.  The big moves so far are re-signing CC and Gardner.  OK, we are treading water.  SU does not like Stanton (have I ever told you that?) but he is no different than Machado or Harper.  If you want to trade Stanton for pitching talent, I am ok with that.  But I don’t see the point of replacing him with another overpaid dude who you don’t know will perform in New York in the spotlight.  Cashman is known for putting rumors out there to cover his actual moves so no doubt this is just noise.  Sanchez now needs shoulder surgery but should be ready for the start of the season.  SU says pulling the ball in every at bat must have taken its toll on his shoulder as no shoulder can handle that much poorly thought out swinging over a full season.

SU is upset that Trey Burke has been planted on the bench.  They seem to need a point guard but the new coach likes the bigger guards.  He will be moved by December.  Too bad.  The team is fun to watch though.  They don’t pass it around enough – too much one-on-one for SU – but they play hard, push the ball up the court and I love that they are young.

Finally, very interesting move by the Mets hiring an agent to be their new GM.  This seems to be a growing trend in baseball.  As he is the agent for Cespedes and I believe deGrom, you wonder how that comes into play.  But SU likes that the Mets have been bold.

So, what should the Yankees do?  They are managing to a payroll budget.  How do you justify a Machado or Harper, and should you trade Stanton to clear payroll to get one of these guys?