Guess Alabama Deserved to be There

A happy and healthy new year to the SU intergalactic subscriber base.  SU is back in action after the holiday break.  Truth be told, there was not enough quality sports action over the past week and a half to entertain SU so I took to Netflix to fill in the void.  I would highly recommend: Ozark; Mindhunter; and season 3 of Narcos (which was better than seasons 1 and 2).

Let’s face the truth: the majority of the college bowl games are just not entertaining.  Who wants to watch 6-6 and 7-5 teams play?  The NCAA needs to limit the number of games and while they are at it, can we take off the corporate sponsorships in the title?  Just annoying.

Yesterday’s Oklahoma – Georgia game was one for the ages and it’s why college football is more entertaining than the NFL right now.  Wide open, big plays, trick plays and wild swings in momentum.  Either team would have been deserving to play next week in the championship game although SU has seen enough of Baker Mayfield.  He is the college version of Odell Beckham Jr.  The dude knows the camera is on him all the time.  Some said he tired in the 2nd half due to flu like symptoms earlier in the week but SU believes he was fatigued by running down the sideline after each touchdown flapping his arms.  It’s Johnny Manziel II and buyer beware in the NFL.  He is not worth the baggage that will come along with him.  Georgia has a great freshman QB and two great running backs.  You had to be impressed by the half-time adjustments of their 2nd year coach which pretty much shut down Oklahoma in the 2nd half.

Michael Kay went off on Twitter saying the game should not be decided by overtime rules for these games but SU was ok with that.  I mean, the World Cup allows a shootout to decide the championship.  At least overtime provides a better format than that.

Meanwhile, Alabama manhandled Clemson although SU could not stay up for the post-midnight conclusion.  It’s ridiculous that the NCAA can’t start these games a bit earlier so the East Coast doesn’t have to stay up until 1 am.  SU watched Ohio State beat USC and let’s just say that Ohio State is no Alabama.  Not even close.  Of course, Alabama’s entire defense will be in the NFL in a couple of years.  It’s funny how Nick Saban never seems interested in having a high quality quarterback on his teams.  He’s very comfortable having a game manager type and win with defense and running.  The NCAA got it right putting Alabama in the championship series.  Having said that, SU believes that Georgia has a great shot at beating them next week given their coach’s familiarity with Alabama having coached there and home field in Atlanta for the game.

The Georgia – Oklahoma game may also have shown what the NFL needs to become in the future.  Fewer concussions, fewer targeting plays and lots of offense.  SU says this is much more entertaining to watch and perhaps a peek ahead of making the game more fun and less of a health risk.  The hits to the head, concussions and rash injuries right now are not entertaining.  It’s time to loosen the rules at the college and NFL levels and find a way for a safer game.

SU endured the Outback Bowl and watched Michigan blow a 19-3 lead late in the 3rd quarter.  The good news is that I did not go down to Tampa to watch.  The bad news is that Jim Harbaugh puts out an offensive scheme that is offensive to watch.  Every other team in college is playing wide open but he is committed to running the ball up the middle and huddling up after every play.  He is a great recruiter but needs to turn over the offensive reins to a more contemporary assistant who gets this.  Teams do not win now playing this way in college.  You need to put points on the board.

Finally, the Yankees have not pulled the trigger on the Gerrit Cole trade (good).  They are making sounds like they’re not interested anymore but of course this is just a diversion by Cashman to get the asking price down.  SU says do not offer more than Clint Frazier and some minor, minor prospects.  Let’s give Chance Adams a chance to compete for a starting slot next year or at a minimum a place in the bullpen.

As always, SU welcomes your comments…

4 thoughts on “Guess Alabama Deserved to be There”

  1. Two comments:

    1) Expand the college playoffs to 8 teams, and include any unbeaten teams from Division I. UCF can make a solid argument that they should be the national champs (they beat Auburn, and Auburn beat both UGA and Alabama)

    2) Why not let the vegas oddsmakers determine College football rankings? They get it right far more often than some ridiculous formula or a bunch of biased coaches. Last night, Alabama (#4) was favored over Clemson (#1) and UGA (#3) was favored over Oklahoma (#2). Both Alabama and UGA won. For the championship game, Alabama is a 2 point favorite so far.

  2. The UGA / OU game was absolutely outstanding with both teams fighting until the end. I agree with your assessment of Mayfield (and laughed about the running down the sideline), and I would stay away if I were an NFL GM… but I am not and they know more than me. For some reason I see him running routes from the slot for the Patriots – the same way they use Edelman (so maybe the running around is in preparation for the NFL?). Regardless, he has been an outstanding college football player (and competitor), and one that the OU fans will always celebrate. Congrats on an outstanding year.
    You can say that Clemson’s QB had an off-night, but Alabama’s defense forces those off-nights. I think they dropped three potential interceptions which would have made things look worse.
    I think Saban is close to the end. His fire does not seem to be as strong as before, and he is smiling too much during his post-game interviews.
    As for UCF, what was more impressive than their win against Auburn was the fact that the players did not dump a Gatorade cooler on their coach after the victory. Time for that tradition to end, and if you saw James Franklin’s reaction when he was pummeled with ice and water after Penn State’s win I believe that no one in College Station will be dumping the cooler any time soon. What is fun about getting a ton of ice and extremely cold/sticky liquid dumped on you… especially after you just choreographed a big victory?
    Regarding NFL coaches, who is finally going to pull Kirk Ferentz to the NFL? Jerry Jones? What about Bob Stoops?

  3. Josh, on point #1, I know one of the concerns is that the school’s fan bases can only afford to travel so much. For a team that gets to the finals, that could mean 3 separate trips in 3 weeks. Plus a lot of extra games for the players. Maybe get rid of the Conference championship games instead and expand to 8? On point #2, no way does the NCAA open itself up to the Las Vegas oddsmakers I suspect. Too much coordination with gambling. But I don’t disagree that their betting lines are more accurate than other means being used.

  4. A great offense that can play some defense against a great defense that can play some offense. Because the game is being held in Georgia that just might be enough for Georgia to squeak out a win. 27-24. I hate Alabama. They are the Kentucky of basketball in college.
    One more solid dependable pitcher…. just one more and will be hoisting yet another Yankee banner in November of 2018. It will help get us through a 6 win season by the NY Giants next year… best. Hey that’s double the wins from this season.

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