College Football Rules

SU had the chance to take in some college football yesterday.  How great were those games?  Michigan State’s walk off field goal win over Penn State.  Iowa demolishing Ohio State and then the end of the Oklahoma – Oklahoma State “Bedlam” game with 115 points scored and Oklahoma racking up 798 yard of offense.  I am telling you: when you watch the NFL, 3rd and 9 feels like 3rd and 49 with passes traveling 6 yards most of the time.  At the college level, many games are up and down the field – very exciting.  The players are great but not as great as professionals so there are more mistakes, missed assignments, etc.  And it feels like no lead is ever safe – even late in the game.

All quiet on the Yankee front as they look for a new manager.  Joe Espada, the 3rd base coach and a supposed contender, took the bench coach job with the Astros so he’s out.    Jerry Hairston Jr.’s name is out there but SU does not understand that one.  Has he ever managed anywhere?  Still no A-Rod rumors – it would be the great PR move for the Yankees and ensure all kinds of distractions next season.  I actually think Hal Steinbrenner would go for it but no way Cashman goes there.  SU has its money on Rob Thompson, the current bench coach.  He is no doubt a numbers guy and being a bench coach is the next best thing.

All of the Yankee coaches have been given permission to find a new job.  How about David Cone for pitching coach?  He is very smart, studies the stats and SU suspects is itching for the chance.  Bring back Kevin Long as hitting coach – he did a good job here.

Tanaka did not opt out as expected.  Wants to play here and knows no-one is offering big dollars for a pitcher with a small tear in his elbow.  SU feels he is due for a monster season in 2018 and combined with an improving Severino, gives the Yankees two legitimate top of the rotation pitchers.  You have to keep Betances and get him back to normal with a new manager and pitching coach.

The Knicks continue to impress.  Porzingis, right now, has to be seen as must see TV or must see for fans in other cities.  He pretty much can do anything and is only in his 3rd season.  Plus this is his first season where he is allowed to not have to stand in one place while Carmelo jab steps.  So, he is making up for lost time and when it comes to movement is more like a rookie.  SU notes that Noah is returning shortly.  What do they do with him?  SU says buy him out of his contract.  He will only clog the middle for Porzingis.  Or only play him with the 2nd unit for 10 minutes a game.

Yankee manager predictions?

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