What Happened to the NBA?

SU has not rooted for the Knicks since the Isiah Thomas era so the fact that the Knicks are never competitive and boring to watch is a non-factor to me.  But I have subscribed to the NBA Season Pass for years in order to watch other teams and certain players.  But I have reached a point where I rarely even tune into that channel anymore.  Let’s explore why that is:

  • Absence of team ball.  I think there may be more superstar players today than at any time but the style of play is too oriented to 1 – on – 1.  Golden State, Cleveland, San Antonio all play the right way and even Denver moves the ball.  I like the faster pace that we see today but you still have to get on D.
  • The next tier teams are dominated by superstars who also tend to take about 25 shots a game.  Boston has Isiah Thomas, Toronto has DeRozan, Houston has Harden which is all well and good.  But I still do not find it entertaining to see one player dominate.
  • SU is getting old. May be becoming cranky and less tolerant.  But I don’t think so.
  • It’s a Star league and this is what the fans want.  I think that is likely true.  People like to see the 45 – 50 point outbursts by one player.  The 25-point quarters by a single player.
  • Last night, I watched a few minutes of the Sixers – Wizards.  I like to check on Nik Stauskus.  Aside from the fact that the ball rarely finds him on offense, I was impressed with the speed of John Wall and he can go coast to coast in a blink of the eye.  But that’s all it is: no one else touches the ball on offense.  The Wizards got blown out.  So, does that really work?  If one player dominates and others can’t get in the flow, is that the way to play?
  • Final point: SU is a big basketball fan.  I want better games and better teams that are fun to watch.  I think this is a problem.

All of which means we need to focus on baseball and of course, the NCAAs in March.  SU liked the comments from Jeff, Andy and Steve from yesterday.  Always good to see Met fans disparage the Yankee players.  SU has no problem with that but note to E. Steele, Jeff, and others: how about a little spring training intelligence from Port St. Lucie about the Mets?

I will give you my take.  No way the starters stay healthy – never happens.  Bruce needs to have a big year but I don’t feel like he has the mental make-up to play in NY.  Their roster is very solid and they should be competitive. Famillia is a must in the bullpen and who knows if he gets the Chapman treatment with a 50-game suspension.  And with their pitching staff, they should be in every game.  SU believes that they will once again dominate the back page of the NY tabloids as the Yankees are what they are.

For the Yankees, the key to watch come opening day is whether Cashman keeps the youngsters on the roster or seems to go with the wily veterans.  The other key is to see where Chase Headley hits in the line up.  If he is batting 7th or higher: 75-win season.  8th or lower (and with Ellsbury right behind him), there is hope.  You can also follow this in spring training.

Thoughts?  I know there are many NBA fans out there.  What am I missing?

Pull the Trigger on Rubio for Rose Deal

We are one hour away from the NBA trade deadline and the latest on the proposed deal to send Derrick Rose to Minnesota for Ricky Rubio is this from Ian Begley at espn.com:

One holdup in the Minnesota talks for Derrick Rose has been that the Knicks hadn’t budged on their insistence that a second piece be added to the deal in a return for Ricky Rubio – a player or a draft pick, according to a source. With one hour to go, it will be interesting to see if the Knicks lower their demands or if Minnesota acquiesces.

SU says make the deal.  While Rubio can’t shoot from the outside, he is a pass first point guard which would greatly benefit Porzingis.  Rose is a “shoot first, I will pass the ball only if triple teamed on my way to the rim point guard.”  Rose will get his points but really seems to have no interest in passing.  Great offensive player with limited defense these days.

It’s a fair trade.  Don’t screw it up.

Random Thoughts for a Wednesday

Let’s face it: February is just not prime time sports viewing but of course, that all changes in March with the NCAAs.  A few random thoughts for your consideration:

  • NBA trade deadline is tomorrow.  The Sacramento Kings are able to move Boogie Cousins in what most feel was a terrible deal for them.  This guy is toxic.  Extremely bright, personable and a lunatic.  They got some high draft picks in return though.  Keep in mind this is a team that also had Isiah Thomas now starring for the Celtics.  They had two superstars but couldn’t make it work – not even close.
  • Jeannie Buss fires her brother at the Lakers.  Brings in Magic Johnson and hires a former agent to be the GM.  Magic is a busy guy but if nothing else, he will attract free agents to the Lakers.  That alone has to be worth something.
  • The Knicks are now rumored to be looking to move Derrick Rose (to the T’Wolves for Ricky Rubio), Kyle O’Quinn and even Brandon Jennings.  The Knicks have a lot of pieces that must be attractive to playoff contending teams.  How does Carmelo Anthony view this?  If they go back to square one in terms of rebuilding, does he really want to go through that?  There are still rumors of him moving to the Celtics, Clippers and Cavs but hard to see a path for that to happen.  The reality is that he will be satisfied with going through the motions of taking 25 shots a game and playing out the string.  SU says that is interesting.  Some players burn for a chance to win a championship while others take the money and “get theirs” (as they say).  I think that is Melo: good guy, stands up to the media to answer questions but in the end, will retire without a ring.  Hope I am wrong and really, really, really hope he approves a trade in the next 24 hours.
  • It’s interesting how A-Rod is very active in Yankees’ camp and Derek Jeter is no where to be seen.  Going forward, it seems A-Rod will be much more of a presence.  He is apparently working on a TV deal with the YES Network which would be great.  Surely he can move ahead of Al Leiter in the color man rotation.  We have all seen enough of the circle change grip on TV.
  • Lots of coverage and comments about the Dellin Betances arbitration decision and Yankee President Randy Levine’s trashing of Betances and his agent.  The choice was $5 million or $3 million and Betances lost.  SU says set-up guys, even great ones like Betances, are not getting that type of money.  But there was no need for Levine to do the dance in the end zone and spike the ball in his face.  Time heals all wounds and Betances will get his contract as a closer in a couple of years – but not in NY.  In the meantime, he needs to keep his arm healthy and learn how to throw to different bases.  This will be a non-story come opening day.
  • Finally, SU caught 15 minutes of the Mariano Rivera Yankeeography last night.  What a classy guy.  They had some great behind the scenes shots and conversations – he is what he is all the time.  One for the ages.

Next Yankee Manager: A-Rod?

SU knows we are close to the beginning of baseball season when long-time subscriber, A. Grossman, starts emailing with his Yankee concerns.  Just a snippet from this week’s communication:

It appears that the post George style for the Yankees in spending their money (wisely) is to remain competitive until a week or two before the trading deadline and then become either big buyers or big sellers. Last season we did the right thing though who knew the Yanks and Sanchez in particular were going to make things quite interesting until we finally faded near the end. I still can’t believe that the Cubs wouldn’t aggressively go after Chapman. Anyway, George would have done both… get some high profile players before the season and do more of the same near the deadline. I really haven’t seen much success since he can only be seen out in Monument Park. How did Boston beat us to signing a couple of great all ready proven pitchers? Are they connected with the New England Patriots?”

SU  says it’s fair to wonder if Hal Steinbrenner is as committed to “making the Yankees great (again)” based on some of his recent moves as his father was.  Clearly, he wants to get the payroll down and grow the roster with prospects and SU is fully behind this at the cost of being mediocre for a couple of years.  Once they rid the roster of Chase Headley and Chris Carter (it’s not too soon to start not liking this latest move – beat the rush), and move Jacoby Ellsbury for anyone, we will see real progress.

But the truly interesting news this week out of Yankeeland were Hal’s comments on Alex Rodriguez and his expanded role for the team.  Andrew Marchand of espn.com picked up on this and surmised that perhaps A-Rod might be the Yankees’ future manager.  SU thinks this would be a great move.  He is a student of the game and loves talking baseball with anyone who will listen, he works well with the youngsters and has taken many of them under his wing over the years and he knows how to deal with the media.  In-game strategy?  OK, you get some bench coach to help with that and let’s face it, the in-game strategy is over-rated in today’s power game.  The real value is being a good people manager and dealing with the egos.  Plus, think how muscular the Yankee players will be?  Just another benefit.  And it’s not like he needs the money and what’s he going to do if you fire him?

SU is a Joe Girardi fan and feels he is an excellent manager.  But he has been here since 2008 and like everything else, sometimes you need a change.  Don Mattingly is the other likely candidate but he is employed in Miami.  Willie Randolph would be another possibility but it’s not as compelling a story as A-Rod.  Hal has real affection for A-Rod.  This would be too good to pass up.  I don’t know if Brian Cashman would sign up for this but I suspect he doesn’t have the power anymore on these types of decisions.

Tyler Austin has a broken foot – out 6 weeks which is basically spring training.  Tough break literally for the youngster as he will be competing for 1st base and right field.  SU is hoping someone, anyone who plays 3rd base has an unreal spring training making Headley expendable.   It’s not too early to get on Chase Headley and his drive for 10 homeruns which will take the usual 500 at bats.

A-Rod for Yankee manager?  Who’s with me?

Staying Engaged Until March Madness

There is always a lull between the Super Bowl and the start of March Madness.  Ideally, the NBA would get us through but we are disappointed year after year – especially here in New York.  But SU is here to toss out a few tidbits to help you stay engaged:

  • While the Knicks seem like a circus now following the Charles Oakley incident, there were a few promising signs yesterday in the win over the Spurs.  First, Carmelo Anthony’s shooting arm is in good shape as evidenced by the number of shots he threw up in the 2nd half.  It was staggering to the extent that others are frozen out of the offense.  He had a good day but obviously this is easily defended.  SU was pleased by the performance of Willy Hernangomez – Hubie Brown loves this guy.  He seems to have good chemistry with Courtney Lee and moves without the ball.  Of course, neither Derrick Rose or Melo will throw it to him but it’s a start.
  • Interesting how James Dolan had something like 8 former Knicks at yesterday’s game including Latrell Sprewell.  Too funny.  Charles Oakley is holding a press conference later this week.  I am sure that will go well.
  • SU went to another Westchester Knicks game this past Friday night with long-time subscriber S. Caley.  There is no truth to the rumor that Charles Oakley’s son was barred admission to the County Center.  As mentioned before, this is great value – fun to see almost NBA talent from just a few feet away.  And they play hard.  What a concept.
  • People need to move on from Kevin Durant going to Golden State.  Russell Westbrook is a great, athletic talent but you can see how playing 2nd fiddle to him gets old.
  • UConn women going for win #100 in a row tonight vs. South Carolina.  Point spread is something like 13 which seems crazy.  SU anticipates a close game here – very physical.
  • SU read that Noah Syndergaard added 15 pounds of muscle this off season and is hoping to throw even harder.  I am not a fan of bulking up like this – only bad things happen.  Time will tell but this needs to be watched.
  • Finally, Northwestern with a big road win over Wisconsin.  They need to break the streak and make the NCAAs this year.  Doug Collins’ son doing a great job as coach.  Michigan beat Indiana for the 2nd time in two weeks and Indy coach Tom Crean is approaching meltdown mode.  He is just ahead of Tom Izzo in my book for most annoying coaches.  Always struggles to give credit where credit is due.  Michigan trying to be inside the bubble instead of out.

The Case for Chris Carter

Buster Olney of espn.com weighs in on the Yankees’ signing of Chris Carter:

“The first conversations that the New York Yankees had about Chris Carter took place in the fall, as the Milwaukee Brewers sorted through their options with a slugger who was tied for the National League lead with 41 homers in 2016. The two sides didn’t work out a deal, the Brewers released Carter, and the Yankees signed Matt Holliday, presumably to take a lot of plate appearances at designated hitter.

Carter remained unsigned into December, into January, the price tag seemingly dropping. Carter’s agent, Dave Stewart, mentioned in a radio interview the possibility that his client would have to think about signing in Japan. This was something that Carter had no interest in: He wanted to play in the major leagues in 2017, and was resigned to the reality that he would get far less than he expected after a season in which he posted an .821 OPS.

Carter’s context had changed, and so had that of the Yankees. Late in the 2015 season, it appeared that Greg Bird might be the team’s first baseman of the future, but he missed all of the 2016 with a shoulder injury. When he returned to action in the Arizona Fall League, Bird really struggled, batting .215 with one homer and 17 strikeouts in 65 at-bats. As the Cleveland Indians learned with Michael Brantley, no injury bears so much uncertainty for a position player — for a hitter — as a shoulder problem. For the Yankees, Bird is something of a mystery with spring training looming. Tyler Austin is a candidate to play first base after a nice showing late last season, but he’s young, he has options, and he can be sent back to the minors.”

SU gets the logic but surely there were better options.  Apparently, they are very nervous about Greg Bird and how he will respond from shoulder surgery.  But it will be unbearable watching Carter strike out 200 times against ridiculous shifts.  I would much rather see Judge and Tyler Austin get those at bats, and I have faith in Bird coming around.  We were down to Ellsbury and Headley in the unwatchable category.  Wrong move, wrong time.

Tanaka has an out clause this year if he wants to forego $23 million for the next 3 years.  Given his elbow situation, why would any team take that chance?  SU says this will be a non-issue and he will stay a Yankee through 2020.

Did you see what Porzingis had to say the other day?  This from a quiet 2nd year player who is not looking to make waves.  But if you watched any of the Laker game the other night, you saw how no-one was helping on defense and how the seas parted every time a Laker drove down the lane past Derrick Rose (who may be the worst defender in the NBA at this point in his career).  The quote from KP:

“It’s kind of everybody for (themselves) a lot of times. Both ends of the floor.”

His game is suffering and he is regressing.  For Phil Jackson, the issue isn’t making a good deal for Carmelo.  It’s just moving him off the roster and starting over.  That should be the priority at this point.  Kevin Love is younger and he just scored 39 points the other night.  Not happening.

Yankees Sign Chris Carter to 1-Year Deal

Pitchers and catchers still haven’t reported as of yet but it’s not too early to be irritated by the Yankees for 2017.  Chris Carter?  He of 41 home runs and 206 strikeouts last year to go with his lifetime .216 batting average.  What????!!!!

SU says that Andruw Jones obviously could not be lured out of retirement so Cashman felt Carter would be the next best thing.  They already have Aaron Judge who may put up these types of numbers.  I suppose Carter is insurance at 1st base in case Greg Bird doesn’t regain his form from 2015.

But let’s face it.  This is not inspiring.  SU would rather have Carmelo Anthony at first base.  At least he would be off the Knicks’ roster.


Super Bowl Recap

This was an odd Super Bowl.  Basically, another boring, blowout type game for the first 2 and a half quarters, and then it turned into a college football game.  In the NFL, no one comes back from being down 21-0 and then 28 – 3 in the 3rd quarter.  It just doesn’t happen much less in a playoff game or Super Bowl.  Sure, there was that wild Buffalo comeback against the Houston Oilers in the playoffs but those are few and far between.  We have become used to these types of games at the college level where the offenses run no huddle and the clock stops on 1st downs.

New England is not even a quick strike team.  Most of their drives took up some clock.  SU believes it was really just a case that Atlanta’s defense was on the field for so many plays, so many passing plays, and they wore down in the 4th quarter.  There was one turnover by Ryan on the sack and they could have played the clock better with some runs.  But SU believes they were gassed in the 4th quarter.  The killer was giving up 2 2-point conversions – that never happens.  It’s like recovering 2 onside kicks.

SU also believes that the Falcons will miss the playoffs next season.  In the NFL, there is the carryover effect when you come up just short or implode like yesterday.  The experts will say that they’ll be back and will play in this game again.  Could be – but not next season.  One step forward, 2 steps back.

Many thanks to the NFL faithful for their Super Bowl predictions.  In case you weren’t following along, here they were:

  • S. Goldman: 31 – 23 Pats
  • Trigs: 31 – 23 Pats
  • A. Grossman: 35-32 Falcons
  • P. Bok: 27 – 23 Pats with the Falcons losing in heart-breaking fashion (I think Pete may have come closest to predicting just how this would play out and he is a Falcons fan)
  • Mark N: 35 – 31 Falcons
  • Jeff: 31-17 Pats (but not happy about it as he is a Jets fan)
  • Bob D: 35-21 Falcons
  • Steve G: 34-21 Pats (as a big-time, long-time Pats fan)

Some pretty close picks there by highly educated SU subscribers, and SU applauds everyone for weighing in and putting their reputations on the line!