Yankee Fans: Keep it Real

SU has been struck by the high level of optimism among Yankee fans during the Gary Sanchez homerun fest and the sudden explosion of offense in August.  The Yankees actually have the 3rd best record in baseball this month.  SU is also excited – love to watch the youngsters get a shot.  But Yankee fans, please.  Keep a few things in mind here:

  • the bullpen outside of Betances is just not very good or reliable.  They have a lot of rookies pitching important innings and they are just not ready for prime time.  Adam Warren is a nice pitcher but is not your lock down 8th inning guy.  Tyler Clippard is  on again, off again.  The last 2 games are examples of what will happen.
  • SU liked the way the offense showed signs of life in the 8th inning last night and got the tying run to the plate.  Of course, Girardi felt compelled to go with slugger Texeiria as a pinch hitter for Tyler Austin as if he was going to pull a 98 mph outside fastball into the seats.  David Cone mentioned how you need to go with that pitch to left field but after 8 years of this, did anyone really think that would happen?  SU says he cannot retire fast enough for me.  I know he is hitting better now – up to .205!  But I am tired of him hitting into shifts over and over again as if something new will happen.  Stick with the rookies.
  • Did you see Chase Headley complain publicly last week that he should be playing every day over Torreyes who is red hot?  After all, he does have 42 rbis for the season having played every day and must get a $20 million bonus if he gets to 50 by year-end.  The word “chutzpah” comes to mind here.  At least Ellsbury and his .262 average for $22 million a year stays quiet when he sits.

SU is thrilled that they are still in the mix and playing meaningful games.  But I also believe the young guys should be in there every day.  The whole team is playing better offensively because there is now competition for playing time.  Plain and simple.  Sanchez has put McCann in the DH role which displaces someone else.  This is the way it should be.  Earn your at bats.  The games are much more interesting and I actually look forward to seeing guys come up to bat again.

Ivan Nova is 4-0 with a 2.85 ERA since being traded to the Pirates.  Carlos Beltran has been slumping badly.

The Mets are running on fumes but can take advantage of an easier schedule.  SU says they are still dangerous but they really need their starters to stay off the DL.  They are more likely to get a wild card vs the Yankees.

The US Open is underway and SU is worried about Djokovic.  He has a bad wrist but last night he also seems to have a tight forearm.  He played pretty listlessly but got the W.  However, I wouldn’t count him out.  He tends to play better with each successive round but ultimately it will come down to his health here.  Andy Murray is playing the best tennis of his life and per usual seems to have a more favorable draw.  SU says watch out for Del Potro as a wild card entry – this guy hits hard.

SU caught a few innings of the Little League World Series.  It’s amazing those kids can hit anything as homeplate must be 3 feet wide.  What are those umpires looking at?

Finally, can you believe college football is starting this weekend with a slew of interesting, competitive games?  As sports fans, we enter the best time of the year with the start of pro and college football overlapping with the MLB penant races and post-season.  Come February when you are left with the NBA (and college hoops) you will look back fondly to this time of the year.


6 thoughts on “Yankee Fans: Keep it Real”

  1. Agree about the Yankees and competition. Hicks has only gone on his “tear” since they brought up Judge and installed him in RF. Girardi is playing to win and will start Torreyes again tonight. Umpire last night was terrible and I wish I had recorded the game because the microphone really picked up everything Girardi said when he came out to get tossed.

    1. Nope. Headley back in the starting line up tonight. Clearly the Yankees will play him regularly to help him get to 50 rbis for the season by year’s end. What a hitter. SU says the over/under is 49 – he has too many ground balls to 2nd base in him to get over the hump.

    2. Taking 2 of 3 against the hottest team and World Series Champs last year is impressive enough during this time of the year…. but winning these 2 games in the manner they won them is equally impressive. No name pitchers and grinding it out both shows you their determination under real pressure situations…. and they passed with flying colors.
      They have now jumped ahead of Seattle and KC and are now on the heels of Detroit, Houston and the Orioles. With Detroit heading down to KC this weekend, the Red Sox heading out to the west coast and Houston in Texas… WHO KNOWS WHAT THE LABOR DAY STANDINGS WILL LOOK LIKE. I’ll take 1 more full game closer to the pack as a victory.
      PS The last 2 wins were done without a Sanchez home run or double. A new star every night is a recipe for success.
      PSS Headley hit the ball solidly each time at bat. he got unlucky but looks encouraging….

  2. Sanchez was called out on looking at strike 3 twice when the ball appeared to hook around the outside part of the plate. Why didn’t they show the screen shot from above the plate. When lefties came up the Umpire did not call the same location a strike. Tip your hat to their pitcher who took advantage on what the Umpire was calling. They were perfect 3 strike pitches.
    Yes, Tex must go.
    I agree with your assessment on how wide the plate was in the Little league World series. I watched many games and they were quite consistent with their wide trike calls. However, there were still plenty of walks so i guess the balance here had to keep the strike zone wider than what we are accustomed to. I’m amazed on how fast those pitches would look like from the major league distance based on the speed. These kids are very very good indeed…. especially the ones from NEW YORK !!!! YAY !!!

  3. It bothers me to no end that The Little League World Series is on national television. It feels grossly inappropriate. I know I’m in the minority here. I’m also the only guy in the country who thinks that TV has ruined college sports but I’m willing to start and end my argument with the recent push to get college athletes paid. Where are we headed next? Are those 12 year olds going to start asking for a piece of the ad revenue during the Little League World Series? Are the kids good? Sure they’re good. But most of the best players at that age aren’t even in Little League and there are hundreds of teams of 14 year olds that would trounce any team in the Tournament. The Tournament should be enjoyed and savored by the kids, their parents, their coaches and maybe their towns.

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