Adios A-Rod

The good wishes from A-Rod’s former teammates and managers are pouring in.  They are all written all so carefully except for Mariano’s I think.  I thought you would find them interesting in how people characterize A-Rod:


“Alex was a hard worker, a genuine fan of the game and possessed great ability.  In our time together, I always knew that the game mattered to him.  Baseball teaches all of us at some point, and I think he should be proud of the way he carried himself these last two years.  I wish Alex and his family all the best in the future.”


“I’ve spent 22 years playing against, playing with and watching Alex from afar, and there are two things that stand out to me the most: the conversations we had when we were young — hoping for the opportunity to play at the Major League level and then somehow finding a way to stick around — and the championship we won together in 2009.  That was a season everyone on that team can cherish.

“What people don’t realize is how much time, effort and work that Alex put in on a daily basis.  He lives and breathes baseball.  I know it will be difficult for him to not be on the field, but I’m sure he will continue to give back to the game.  Congrats, Alex.”


“I had a chance to see Alex as a young player in the league, and I knew immediately he was going to be special.  It was always fun competing against Alex, but I really enjoyed having the opportunity to play side-by-side with him in New York.  He was a big reason we were able to win the 2009 World Series.  I wish Alex and his family nothing but the best moving forward.”


“Alex was not only one of the best players in the world, he was also one of the smartest players on the field.  It was such a great combination.  Please go have fun and enjoy your family — you are an awesome dad.  I’m very proud of you.”


“It was a privilege to play with Alex. Through his preparation and work ethic, you saw how much he cared about this game and about helping this team win. I love him — as a friend and as a teammate. He was all you could ask for in both.”


“He’s one of the best players who ever played.  He’s a guy who worked hard.  I’ve never seen a guy who worked harder than him.

“There’s three things that I can say.  He loves baseball, he’s a guy who works hard and a guy who loved to win.  He was a great teammate.  For me, he was one of the best teammates I’ve had and a guy who helped me when I first came up and I appreciate all of the things he’s done for me.”

Not exactly what you read for Jeter and Mariano when they hung up their spikes.

One thought on “Adios A-Rod”

  1. Player’s and managers i all professiomal sports will never throw one of their own under the bus. Though the wprds are admitable and probably true no one is going to mess with someone’s salary. They all protect one another. Unfortunately its the fan that hets screwed by paying for it. I wonder how the old timers with their stats feel about him.

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