Is the NBA Now the Small Ball League?

You have to admit that there have been some odd line-up combinations in this year’s NBA finals.  Many times during the game, LeBron is the tallest player on the court.  As a fan, the faster up and down pace is much more enjoyable to watch.  The coaches are calling few plays and the players are just playing ball.  Do you remember the Pat Riley era in NY?  He called every offensive play – every one.  Walk the ball up and dump it down into Patrick Ewing.

Of course, there is the Mike Woodson equivalent – walk the ball up and give it to Melo.  But he has variations off of that set: there’s the 3-jab step move; 4-jab step move; and the 5-step option.  Woodson felt it was important to mix up the jab steps.

SU predicts (now) that the Warriors will win in game 6.  Kyrie Irving is a terrific offensive player but you know, you just know, he is due for a 7 for 25 night.  It’s coming and when it does, no-one else will be in a position to pick up the slack.  Certainly not Kevin Love who is down to 3-4 shots a game.  SU has been very happy to see long-time fave, Richard Jefferson, get quality minutes and rave reviews by the broadcasters.  Even Mark Jackson who buried Richard on the bench just a few years ago in Golden State.

Lots of rumors of Melo being traded to Cleveland to play with LeBron.  SU would do the even up trade with Love.  Why not?  Melo can play the 3 or the 4 – a perfect fit with the Cavs and the chance to play with his buddy LeBron.  Love can throw the full court outlet passes on the fast break at the Garden.  Add Jeremy Lin and maybe you have something.  Or not.

The Yankees continue to tease the fans by flirting with .500.  SU says no need to flirt: call it a season and sell high.  Beltran is a great fit for a contender and would bring some top prospect.  But you need to deal him while he’s hot and looking spry.  He’s one oblique injury away from being out for weeks.  Same with Chapman.  Yanks are going nowhere.  Refsnyder is killing me.  Finally getting his shot to play every day and not getting it done offensively.  Now we have Ike Davis?  Cashman going the bottom feeder route yet again.  Blow it up and get more interesting.  Find some hitters where you can actually visualize them getting a hit.  Seriously: when Brian McCann is up, it feels physically impossible for him to get a hit through the shift.  Chase Headley?  Every hit is a shocker.

Note Eduardo Nunez is hitting .327 for the Twins and playing every day batting lead-off.  SU is very proud of him.  Always liked him.  Exciting player.

Meanwhile, the Mets are desperate for some offense.  They will need to be as equally shrewd this year in July as they were last year.  History says that’s hard to do.  You are more likely to have a track record like Cashman’s than you are being successful.  But their pitching should at least get them to October.

One thought on “Is the NBA Now the Small Ball League?”

  1. Eduardo Nunez would probably be hitting cleanup for these Yankees. It is clear that the Yankees have many flaws but the biggest problem is stretches of 3-5 games where they have literally no offensive production. They’ve scored 2 runs or less 24 times already.

    Chase Headley has turned his season around and is now close to his career BA despite an absolutely awful start. What has he been doing? For one thing he’s been hitting against the shift. I’ve seen some players starting to do this. Seen some power guys laying down bunts. Bad bunts are becoming singles. It seems like a no brainer and something that Mcann and Texeira should be doing. Get two infield singles and you turn the thing that’s been annoying you into something that annoys the opposing pitcher.

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