Enough of the A-Rod Bashing

SU has had enough.  What is with all of the articles bashing A-Rod?


Here is the truth: the guy is not done yet.  Throughout his career, A-Rod has been a guess hitter and I believe he has hit righties better than lefties for the past 21 seasons.  That is not the case this season in a small sample of at bats.  The Yankees are now fully in humiliation mode in limiting his at bats to only against left-handed pitchers.  SU believes it’s coming from Cashman, not Girardi.  You don’t have to bat him 3rd or 4th but he is still a force in the line-up.  Hicks, one of Cashman’s great off-season acquisitions, is younger and hits .215 with no power.  Shouldn’t he have to prove something to earn his at bats?

Plus, once the Yankees become sellers, they will move Beltran and then who is going to DH?  SU says bring up Aaron Judge and stick him in right field once Beltran goes.  Time to call it a day and move on for this season.  It is just not right to throw A-Rod under the bus.

Knick Fans: alert; alert!  Melo is actively talking up playing in NY with Durant!  Thank goodness one of the great NBA recruiters is on the case.  Surely, this will make the difference.  SU is still anxiously awaiting Dwight Howard to come to the Knicks.  Can you think of a worse signing?

The Mets have a bone spur epidemic and had better quarantine the other pitchers.  First Matz and now Syndergaard.

Sad news about Pat Summitt.  A fierce competitor who absolutely hated losing.  There are coaches who yell on the sidelines at their players and then there was Pat Summitt.  She was scary.  You have to give her tremendous credit for putting women’s hoops on the map at the college level.  Very sad ending to a storied career.  Some nice remarks from various UConn players who played against her teams over the years.

Only 2 more days til NBA free agency officially begins.  Jeremy Lin has now been linked to over 10 teams.  SU says he is a starting point guard in this league.  His defense is underrated but he needs to make a smart choice.  Do not go near Houston, the Knicks (now that they have Rose) or the Sixers (too many young studs who will ignore and resent him).  And of course, do not go near DeMarcus Cousins in Sacramento.

In Search of Offense

After watching bits and pieces of the Yankees and Mets over the weekend, SU decided the time was right to check out the COPA finals last night between Chile and Argentina.  After all, I was in a no scoring mood and a low scoring game would be consistent with what NY fans are now used to.  Even though the ref thought he was Joey Crawford, NBA ref, for one night, this was a very exciting game.  SU is not the biggest soccer fan but I watched the whole game.  Messi is amazing with his touch passes and great vision although I guess also a bit of a diva as he said he won’t play for the Argentina team again.  Very physical game, poor reffing, and a huge crowd.  Felt like an NFL playoff game.  Of course, too bad it comes down to a shootout in the end but even the World Cup is structured this way.

Joel Sherman of the New York Post says the clock is ticking for the Yankees to set a date to DFA both A-Rod and Teixeira.  Interesting.  That would be very un-Yankeelike but after the Colorado Rockies ate about $32 million of Jose Reyes’ contract, I suppose anything is possible.  Tex will be a free agent after this year and the Yankees would receive a 1st round pick if he leaves (surely they will let him leave and roll the dice with Greg Bird although many reporters feel otherwise) so SU doesn’t see that happening.  If he gets hot, some team might be willing to give up a prospect and the Yankees should pursue that.  SU would keep A-Rod as he is still the only interesting player other than Beltran to see up at the plate.  As stated before, I would definitely move Beltran as he would fetch some value from a contender.  The Yankees are going nowhere and attendance and ratings are down.  Even a run for the wild card will not create interest with this roster.

SU likes the Mets’ move of picking up Reyes but this needs to be step 1 of a 5-step plan over the next month.  The guy screwed up and he needs to own up to what he did which I believe he did although not positive on that front.  Like Chapman, if he can perform, all will be forgiven.  If he doesn’t, he will be booed unmercifully.  But the Mets need to find 1 or 2 other bats. Sure, they have had some tough luck with injuries but other than Cespedes and Walker, everyone else has under-performed this year.  Their pitching is too good to not spend some money here.  Big series with the Nationals this week but still plenty of games to go no matter what the outcome.

NBA free agency about to kick off.  Note to readership: ignore the rumors and the quotes from “an agent in the know.”  It’s all BS and smoke.  Durant will stay in OKC.  End of story.

Finally, SU is excited about the start of Wimbledon and Novak Djokovic’s continued quest for the Grand Slam in 2016.  Andy Murray will be tough to beat on grass playing at home.  Federer is not match tough with all of the injuries – can’t see him making it through.

Upon Further Reflection…

… I still don’t like the Derrick Rose trade.  I agree with the comments that the Knicks didn’t give up anything in the way of players (that’s the advantage of having a terrible roster – any trade only involves bad players coming off the books).  I agree that Rose is a 1-year investment and maybe he will surprise.

What is most disappointing is that New York is no longer a “destination” for free agents.  The NBA is a national brand and players in smaller markets (OKC, Miami, Cleveland, etc.) can all become hugely popular playing there.  Sure, the Knicks haven’t won a championship in 40 years but that is only important to the NY fans.  Players in other cities who have no connection here could care less.

To date, Melo has failed to attract any free agents of consequence.  That is the reality.  Other players do not want to play with a player who is a ball hog.  Do you see guys running to Houston to play with James Harden who is Melo on steorids?  Jeff Hornacek says he wants to play an up tempo style but that is anti-Melo who is a slowdown, walk-it-up isolation specialist.  Can Rose even play at that fast pace at this point of his career?

For SU, Isiah Thomas did irreparable damage for me as a lifelong Knick fan when he was running things.  I am still not back in the fold and am fine picking teams each year to watch and root for.  I like Porzingis a lot but Rose is a high volume shooter as is Melo.  Are they really going to defer to Porzingis?  Nope.  SU is happy to be proven wrong.

Derrick Rose is not the answer

SU is unimpressed and uninspired by the Derrick Rose trade.  The guy is an injury waiting to happen.  It’s like getting Penny Hardaway past his prime or Ronoldo Blackman or any of the other multitudes of over-the-hill players who have found their way to MSG.  He was great when healthy but his knees are pretty much shot now.  The good news is that they didn’t give up anything to acquire him so from the standpoint of taking a flyer, sure, worth the risk.  The rumors have already started about Durant now seriously considering the Knicks or what about Dwight Howard??  Dwight Howard is only about 7 years removed from being good.

Phil Jackson was able to clear cap space so that’s a positive.  But how is Rose going to play an up tempo pace with bad knees?  SU is perplexed.  Still waiting to see where Jeremy Lin lands in free agency to determine my new team to watch on the NBA Season Pass in 2016-17.

I know there are plenty of Knick fans out there.  Care to weigh in?  Thumbs up or down?

What we learned from the NBA Finals

First of all, SU’s prediction of the Cavs in 6 games was not that far off.  It didn’t look good at 0-2 but stranger things have happened.  A few observations:

  • Cleveland’s comeback from down 3-1 ranks right up there with the Boston Red Sox series win over the Yankees in the ALCS in 2004 when they were down 0-3.  Both teams were trying to win their first world championship and both achieved something that had never been done before in terms of comebacks.
  • Richard Jefferson had a huge series. All the talk was how Channing Frye would help Cleveland with his 3-point shooting but he hardly got off the bench in the last few games.  SU is very proud of Richard.
  • Knick fans must be happy to have 3 former players get their first rings (JR Smith, Mosgov, Shumpert).  A tribute to the Knicks’ ability to make trades to help other teams.  I guess you can also throw Channing Frye in there but he has been gone for a much longer time.
  • Just think about this statement: a team with JR Smith in the starting line-up won the NBA championship.  And he played significant minutes every game.  It speaks to the greatness of LeBron.
  • When you watched LeBron in those last 3 games, you saw how he made his teammates better and how he played both ends of the court.  How many blocks on breakaway lay-ups did he have?  He is a true superstar and in the top 5 of all-time greats.  And, Knick fans, when you talk about Melo being a “superstar”, look at the difference here.  It’s not even close and he’s not one.  Carmelo is a great scorer – a modern day Adrian Dantley.
  • It’s time for the NBA to make a new rule: no taking your mouth piece out of your mouth and chewing on it.  Man, that is a bad look.  It almost makes you turn away.  First time is a warning; 2nd time is a technical.
  • The Minolta Turning Point of the series was clearly Draymond Green’s suspension in game 5.  But he earned it for a series of bad fouls.  SU does not feel sorry about that.
  • What was Kyrie Irving doing in the last 30 seconds when he raced up the floor by himself and almost turned it over?  He is a great, great scorer and made a couple of and 1’s in this game that made me laugh out loud they were such great shots.  But his basketball IQ must be in single digits to have tried that last play.

So, what does this mean going forward?  All the talk has been about moving Kevin Love but SU actually thinks LeBron may want to move Irving out of town and bring in Carmelo.  You know he would love to get championships for his buddies Melo and Chris Paul.  SU says how about a trade of Irving for Melo?  The Knicks need an up tempo point guard and LeBron can easily move back to playing the point in Cleveland (heck, he pretty much does anyway).  Irving and LeBron are still a mis-match.  If I am the Knicks, I make that trade and throw in some extras to make it work (must admit cannot even think of what extras they have).

Final thought: LeBron was totally gassed at the end of the game.  He had nothing left.  I did not understand why Cleveland kept walking the ball up the court and then making LeBron go 1 on 1.  Run the offense that got you there.  They were fortunate that the Warriors went 0 for 9 down the stretch.  It’s a fine line between winning and losing for sure.

Before I go, must comment on the US Open final round.  That was embarrassing.  Not making a decision on whether Dustin Johnson made the ball move on the 5th hole until after the round is over is like playing game 7 of the NBA finals and not checking on a 3-pointer that was near the line until the game is over.  Golf is one strange sport.

Is the NBA Now the Small Ball League?

You have to admit that there have been some odd line-up combinations in this year’s NBA finals.  Many times during the game, LeBron is the tallest player on the court.  As a fan, the faster up and down pace is much more enjoyable to watch.  The coaches are calling few plays and the players are just playing ball.  Do you remember the Pat Riley era in NY?  He called every offensive play – every one.  Walk the ball up and dump it down into Patrick Ewing.

Of course, there is the Mike Woodson equivalent – walk the ball up and give it to Melo.  But he has variations off of that set: there’s the 3-jab step move; 4-jab step move; and the 5-step option.  Woodson felt it was important to mix up the jab steps.

SU predicts (now) that the Warriors will win in game 6.  Kyrie Irving is a terrific offensive player but you know, you just know, he is due for a 7 for 25 night.  It’s coming and when it does, no-one else will be in a position to pick up the slack.  Certainly not Kevin Love who is down to 3-4 shots a game.  SU has been very happy to see long-time fave, Richard Jefferson, get quality minutes and rave reviews by the broadcasters.  Even Mark Jackson who buried Richard on the bench just a few years ago in Golden State.

Lots of rumors of Melo being traded to Cleveland to play with LeBron.  SU would do the even up trade with Love.  Why not?  Melo can play the 3 or the 4 – a perfect fit with the Cavs and the chance to play with his buddy LeBron.  Love can throw the full court outlet passes on the fast break at the Garden.  Add Jeremy Lin and maybe you have something.  Or not.

The Yankees continue to tease the fans by flirting with .500.  SU says no need to flirt: call it a season and sell high.  Beltran is a great fit for a contender and would bring some top prospect.  But you need to deal him while he’s hot and looking spry.  He’s one oblique injury away from being out for weeks.  Same with Chapman.  Yanks are going nowhere.  Refsnyder is killing me.  Finally getting his shot to play every day and not getting it done offensively.  Now we have Ike Davis?  Cashman going the bottom feeder route yet again.  Blow it up and get more interesting.  Find some hitters where you can actually visualize them getting a hit.  Seriously: when Brian McCann is up, it feels physically impossible for him to get a hit through the shift.  Chase Headley?  Every hit is a shocker.

Note Eduardo Nunez is hitting .327 for the Twins and playing every day batting lead-off.  SU is very proud of him.  Always liked him.  Exciting player.

Meanwhile, the Mets are desperate for some offense.  They will need to be as equally shrewd this year in July as they were last year.  History says that’s hard to do.  You are more likely to have a track record like Cashman’s than you are being successful.  But their pitching should at least get them to October.

Yankees Catch a Break


Mark Texeiria is going on the DL with torn cartlidge in his knee.  They will treat it with injections and rest but he could be out for the season if he needs surgery.  SU says that given his performance year-to-date, this is a positive development for the Yankees.  Texeiria has been a rally killer in the middle of the line-up all season long.  Everyone wants to blame A-Rod but Texeiria has played many more games and hasn’t hit a homerun in over 140 at bats.  Taking him out of the line up hurts defensively but will allow Girardi to go with a more uncontentional line up going forward.

SU would equate this with getting Stephen Drew off of the roster.  It has major positive implications.  Let’s give Rob Refsnyder a shot now to play regularly.  He actually can hit the ball and why not see what he can do?  They are bringing up this dude Parmalee to play 1st at least part-time.  SU says ok with me – anyone is an improvement.

The best scenario right now is for some team in the AL East to go on a roll and put the Yankees in sell mode come July.  SU is all in on blowing up the roster and selling some pieces.  Hey, beat the rush and start now.

Sad news about Muhammed Ali’s passing.  SU was always an Ali fan – larger than life.

Finally, you may want to catch the French Open finals tomorrow between Murray and Djokovic.  SU is rooting for the Joker to get that first French Open championship.  Speaking of the French Open, check out this film on the 1981 French Open.  It’s in French but offers a lot of behind-the-scenes access to the star players.  You have to watch it in small doses but it’s interesting and worth checking out.  Special thanks to long-time SU subscriber D. Harmon for passing this along.



New A-Rod Theory

SU has figured out the Yankees’ strategy.  It’s becoming clearer to me:

  • They will humiliate him for the rest of this season along the lines of what they did to Jorge Posada in his last season.  Bat him 8th or 9th, sit him in games you would figure he would start, piss him off.  Then, after the season is over, they will negotiate a buyout for A-Rod’s last year of his contract and that will be that.
  • This will be a long and tortured road and A-Rod will do his best to be the good soldier.  The media will be all over it as we know they relish the chance to bring someone down even more than building them up in sports.
  • The other alternative is that they accelerate this plan and negotiate the buyout mid-season this year.

SU believes he still has something left in the tank and surely more than the other slugs on this roster.  Plus, I would rather watch him swing and miss vs. seeing Mark Texeiria hit into the shift over and over and over again.

Time will tell.