Yankees on Verge of Acquiring Reds’ Chapman

As always, SU has its finger on the pulse of the sports world.  This just in from Jack Curry of the YES Network on Twitter:

The Yankees are looking at a trade of four prospects for Arondis Chapman.  Supposedly, none of their top prospects would be included in the deal nor would Andrew Miller or Dellen Betances.  That would be an impressive 7 – 9th inning trio.

The guy has issues certainly with the recent domestic violence charges.  But he does throw 100 mph.

Good move for the Yankees???

7 thoughts on “Yankees on Verge of Acquiring Reds’ Chapman”

  1. Overall, think this is a very strong move for the Yankees. As we have seen over the past 3+ seasons, it seems the Yankee brass is not going to make any major signings until the likes of A-Rod, CC, Beltran, Tex, etc. come off the books over the next 2 seasons. And since that is the case, along with the fact that up until this point we have yet to acquire any new arms for the rotation, Cashman is trying (it seems) to shorten the game and therefore the demands on his starters. As you have pointed out numerous times our rotation can not withstand being overworked. Eovaldi, Nova, and Tanaka have all had some sort of arm issues over the last few seasons so by lessoning their workload I assume Cashman believes- as would modern day science- that the likelihood for injury is also lessoned. The question now is what is going to be the suspension (if any) given due to his current off field issues.

  2. Mark, I think there has to be a follow-up trade now with Andrew Miller or Miller and Brett Gardner for a younger starting pitcher or perhaps a starter and an outfielder. Betances would be the good soldier and pitch the 7th inning but I don’t see Miller or Chapman signing up for that. Too much ego I suspect even though on paper I agree with your scenario of shortening the game. I suspect we will know shortly.

  3. Would be risky to trade Miller with some kind of suspension looming for Chapman, but since Cashman, the master of misdirection, has been quoted as saying it is intent to keep all three, that does make you think something is up.

    1. Agreed, you can’t trust Cashman based on what he says. Looks like Chapman will make around $9 million this year after arbitration and will probably be a free agent in the near future. That’s a lot of payroll in the bullpen there with Miller. 2016 is a transition year for the Yankees. It seems a lot of moves are for 2017 and beyond as Mark said above. But change is certainly good. Maybe they can find a 3rd baseman along the way here.

  4. Very hard to say because a substantial suspension makes him a non-factor. MLB will definitely be looking to look tougher than the NFL on domestic violence. Also, does this tell us anything about what kind of guy Chapman is? The Yankees clubhouse was supposedly great last year. But one of their “good guy” leaders wound up in rehab. Not sure about inserting a bad seed.

  5. Hey, let’s get real here. The Yankees clubhouse includes A-Rod, a habitual user of PEDs and CC Sabathia, admitted alcoholic who is addressing his problems. Chapman will come in and serve his time – I would guess 25 games at the start of the season. I suppose it depends on what they do with Reyes and Puig. The fact that Chapman shot 8 bullets into his garage is not going to help. I guess he has one of the 300 million guns in the US. So, maybe it’s 50 games. He will become the poster child for overcoming domestic violence and abuse. The fans have proven, and especially in NY, that if you perform well, all is forgiven. He will also be a free agent after this season so could end up being a 1-year deal for the Yankees. I say if nothing else, it makes them more interesting in 2016.

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