Subway Series: Bring it On

First off, SU thanks relatively new subscriber and frequent commenter Mark N. for sharing this article on how the Mets have taken over the back pages in NY as predicted by SU long, long ago.  SU is always happy to share stories that validates its greatness;

There is definitely a buzz about this series and SU is not feeling confident.  The Yankee offense is running on fumes and the list of “trusted” relievers is ever shrinking.  If the Yankees can take one of the three games that will be a moral victory.

OK, every now and again, SU is asked to put out a trivia question to the masses.  My problem is that with the internet, many people cheat and just look it up.  We all know: THAT IS LAME.  Anyway, it’s a beautiful Friday afternoon in New York and what better way to start the weekend than exercising your brain cells in a productive way.  See if you can get this one the honest way:

There are 7 current Yankee and Met players who have played for both teams.  Can you name them?

SU got 6 of the 7 but I should have gotten them all.  Ready?  Have at it.

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