Searching for an NBA team to root for next season

The dust has pretty much settled for many of the NBA bigger name free agents.  D’andre Jordon is going to Dallas and apparently that triggers a move where the Knicks will sign Robin Lopez for something like $12 million a year for 4 years.  Say what??  That is the big name free agent signing?  The Knicks are apparently looking to beef up their defense but the way SU sees it, they are going to be average 72 points a game next season.  This is embarrassing.  SU officially gives the ok for Melo to average 35 shots a game next season.  I mean, who else can even score on this roster?

Other names finding a home.  Corey Brewer returns to Houston as does Patrick Beverley.  Richard Jefferson returning to Dallas (SU fave – I know no one else cares).  The most amusing signing of the day has Rajon Rondo going to Sacramento to play with Demarcus Cousins.  It proves that any of us can be an NBA GM.  How do you put a guard who can barely keep it together with a center who is in the same boat?  Unreal.

Clearly, Phil Jackson is not able to attract anyone to the Knicks.  It’s one thing if you are the coach – another if you are the President.  SU says they are striving to get back to the point where they had Amare playing with a bunch of youngsters just before the Melo trade.  Jeremy Lin is still out there and where he lands will be a big factor in who I root for next season.  The Knicks are on the unwatchable list – it’s official now.  OK – enough.  I’ll stop.

Looks like CC has been taken partially out of the rotation.  He will be starting 1 time in the next 15 games it appears.  Girardi is a tough guy.  Except for Jeter, he has not been afraid to do what is best for the team at the expense of some of his former stars’ egos.  The Mets are running on fumes offensively.  It will be interesting to see if ownership decides to move one of the young pitchers to get a bat for this year.

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