Sunday Morning Thoughts on the NBA, Djokovic, Yankees and Mets

SU always finds it useful to review its predictions with the intergalactic subscriber base – especially when we are pretty much on target.  Perhaps you may recall this post from April 17th:

SU is ready for the NBA playoffs.  While I had been previously high on the Spurs’ chances to repeat, losing that final game dropped them from the #2 seed to #6 and a first round series with the Clippers.  SU has a funny feeling about the Clippers this year – might be their last year to play together with this current roster.  SU says they will beat the Spurs in this round but Golden State has been the gold standard all season with only 2 home losses.  They are finals bound out West.  In the East, SU would love to see a real team make the finals like the Hawks but I think we have not seen Cleveland play its best ball of the year as of yet.  Plus, SU is rooting for JR, Shump and Mosgov on the Cavs and their high octane style of play.  But a Cavs-Hawks Eastern Conference finals would be a lot of fun.  Warriors over the Cavs in the finals.

There are persistent rumors out there in NBA circles that some coach who appears to be in a reasonably stable position is going to be canned and that Tom Thibodeau will get that spot.  One article had the Knicks being that team and looking to send Derek Fisher packing (article sent to SU by long-time subscriber T. Potter).  SU does not see that happening.  Phil Jackson is very stubborn and will want to see his triangle offense through with his hand-picked guy.  But Thibodeau is a name brand and it’s a story worth following for the next week or so.

SU is a big-time Novak Djokovic fan.  Not only is he a great player, he is also a great ambassador for the sport.  Check out this video from the French Open as he warmed up before his match yesterday.  Somehow you don’t picture Nadal or Federer doing this.

So, was the NY Rangers’ season considered to be a success?  Many of the sports talk radio callers yesterday would say otherwise but SU believes making it to game 7 of the Conference Finals has to be viewed as a positive.  Especially when you play so many 1-goal games the margins are very small.  They still seem built to continue winning and fans should be optimistic going into next season.

The Yankees pulled out a win against one of baseball’s worst teams in the A’s last night.  SU notes that Brett Gardner is now slumping without Ellbury in the line up.  The reality with Ellsbury throughout his career is that he almost never plays a full season.  He is an injury-prone guy and you have to figure he will miss 4-6 weeks every season (at $21 million a year).  SU maintains its position that just because you are in 1st place in a horrible division, it doesn’t make it more exciting for the fans.  Being a .500 team with boring players is not a product that you can market with their ticket pricing structure.  SU continues to wait on Cashman to either go young or make a move for a middle infielder who can hit even a little bit.

The Mets continue to hang in there in 2nd place but they also need an offensive upgrade.  SU says the investment will pay off in higher ratings and higher attendance.  Time to make the move as players will start to become available from a number of teams.

5 thoughts on “Sunday Morning Thoughts on the NBA, Djokovic, Yankees and Mets”

  1. The Yankees have scored 228 runs this season which is good enough for 4th best in all of baseball. They are third in HRs. I agree that their offense seems boring at times but most other teams are worse. Much worse.
    Is it too early for Cashman to start inquiring about a trade for Robinson Cano?

  2. Seth, Cano has 2 homeruns for the whole season so far and one of them just came this weekend. I already saw him blow a throw on a doubleplay in the 9th inning that would have won the game in regulation. He also appears to be clean shaven. No doubt pulling out all the stops to regain his Yankee form of past years. Having said that, I am on record that Cano will return to the Yankees within the next two years. The clock is ticking…

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