How Do We Feel About A-Rod Tying Willie Mays?

Homerun #660 turned out to be a game winner for A-Rod and the Yankees.  So, how do we feel about that?  SU has a few thoughts:

  • First of all, full disclosure: I had dozed off during the game and only woke up in the 9th inning.  The Yankees are painfully boring to watch even though they are in 1st place.  But I did stay up to watch the post-game show and A-Rod’s interview with the media.
  • SU is happy for A-Rod for hitting a game-winning homerun but I feel almost nothing about him tying Willie Mays.  I also feel nothing about Barry Bonds’s record, Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire and all the others.  All tainted.
  • But… you have to give A-Rod credit for the way he has carried himself this year.  I do feel he is sincere in how he feels lucky to even be playing this year and given another chance.  He has all the money in the world but this guy is insecure to the nth degree.  He makes bad decisions, takes bad advice (see all the lawyers and PR experts who advised him over the last year and a half.  It makes you wonder how anyone would ever hire any of those people right?  What a stupid strategy) and has an ego the size of Jupiter.  I thought he was sincere in his post-game remarks and he is incredibly fortunate to play for Joe Girardi who has a knack for how to handle him in NY.  Joe Torre was not that way.
  • The Boston fans gave him the business of course.  SU wonders how Big Papi would handle things if he was closing in on one of these records?  Let me help you with that: hit the dinger, stand at home plate posing for about 10 seconds per usual and then jog around the bases in about 45 seconds.  Say what you want about A-Rod but he does his thing and acts like he’s been there before.  Big Papi failed his drug test but still gets a pass from everyone.   For SU, his homerun records are as tainted as the others.

Bottom line: A-Rod is a goofy guy who is trying his hardest to finish his career in a more reputable fashion.  SU can live with that and as I have said before, he is the one batter in the line up that is worth watching.  Just hope he can stay healthy to maintain my interest for the rest of the season.

Soooooo, how do you feel about A-Rod tying the Say Hey Kid?

5 thoughts on “How Do We Feel About A-Rod Tying Willie Mays?”

  1. SU, as a longtime Yankee fan of 20+ years it is something that I would call bittersweet. As a kid growing up in the 90’s with strict a Jeter alliance I have had a poor vision of ARod for some time (minus the 2009 World Series run-team success first). This came about ever since he called out Jeter for not striking fear in his opponents the way other superstars at that time were. The perpetual lying, lack of consistent postseason success, and his suing of the Players’ Union did not help either.

    I very much agree with what your post, however, in that you mentioned the way he has handled himself this year. Seeing him coming out of the dugout last night to celebrate with his team (mind you, he’s still without a mustache), you can see that after all these years all he wants is to be ‘one of the guys.’ Hopefully, as you pointed out, he is capable of staying healthy!

    Off the topic of #13, scary moment last night when Tex got plunked in the wrist. You wonder if he’ll keep quiet and his on-field play will show any weakness going further into the season (besides his .213 BA). Additionally, McCann is regaining a respectable stroke while Beltran is starting to show his age inning by inning.

    Great read on the Yankees early bullpen successes as well on Grantland (attached below):

    It feels good to be number 1…until further notice.

    1. Mark, you’ve been fortunate to be a fan in the glory years. You ‘ve only known winning. I give A-Rod a pass on the Jeter comment. He was young and stupid. Bullpen this year is unreal but starters need to go deeper. No Tanaka, no excuses. Girardi has always been a next man up manager. And for another day, Red Sox suck!

  2. Arod is a liar and probably still full of shit with this act. He just happens to be a talented baseball player. If he can help the Yanks….. great. Unfortunately, there is no one on this team who I’m attached to…. just a pinstripe victory. Maybe Joe Pepitone.

  3. 660 was only a milestone in the world of manufactured milestones. What is interesting is how this one was manufactured by the Yankees and they now want to ignore it. Mays may have been one of the greatest but A Rod has passed many other all time greats at this point. The Aaron number matters because Bonds is questionable. The Bonds number matters because it’s the most. The Ruth number matters because it stood for so long and seasons were shorter. The Mays number seems less significant.
    I’m feeling good for A Rod because MLB and the Yankees leave me no choice. I’m a fan and they charge me a lot of money to go to the game or watch it on TV. When a run crosses the plate I’m going to cheer and be grateful to whoever contributed.

  4. Howard How are you. Been a busy winter but a good one. I hope all is well with you. Ben graduates this week. Going up to Boston. Big week for us.

    I have no idea how this new format works. Hopefully I’m not talking to 200 followers but whatever.

    My favorite topic. Yanks . Not so bad. High points. 1. Bull pen. Don’t need to elaborate. If we’re up by 2 after 7 we win 9/10. Betances and Miller are as good as Wetland and Riveria as of now. Middle relievers better than last few yrs. 2. Starters: remove Tanaka and look at him as a hidden resource. If he comes back add 5 -7 extra wins. Right now they have one # 2. Pineda. However they have competent #3. Eaovaldi and 2 decent 4 Sabbathia and Warren and 5 with Whitley . Sabbatha and Whitley will keep them in games more than they will not. The bull pen can bail them out if they can hang in for 6. 3. Offense better than last yr. Not great but enough so pitchers can get them to 7th. Arod better than thought. Texeria better than thought. Ellsberry and Gardener playing well. McCann is OK. Chris Young should start over Beltran but that is an option if Beltran is shot. Drew and Gregorious got to get better but we are winning without them hitting. Headley is where he is expected. 4. Fielding – infield and OF solid.

    5. Division not strong.

    Prediction 87/90 games get Yanks to playoffs. Without Tanaka and a strong Pineda I’m not comfortable but if it all comes together in 2015 we could have some fun.

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